War against Evil Military Conflict in Child of the Copper Mountain | World Anvil
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War against Evil

A sudden rise in evil creatures disrupted the land in the year 1090. Goblins, Orcs, Sirens, and many other evil creatures banded together to attack the villages and cities of men, dwarves and elves. Though attacks by individual creatures were not uncommon, organized assaults like these were unheard of, and the scale of these attacks far exceeded any previous attack. The three races banded together to fight this evil, forming the Alliance. They fought together, defending dwarven, elven, and human settlements and pushing back the evil forces. This initial progress soon came to a halt, when The Order discovered something about the origin of these attacks. The only solution required the majority of the Order's Night Hunters to be sent far away to the cause of the evil force in order to defeat it once and for all. Many of the Night Hunters gave their lives during this final siege in the lion's den, but evil was eventually defeated. Now, only remnants of the evil forces remain: lost and forgotten evil creatures, who still roam the world today. What happened exactly during this final mission of the war is kept a secret by Order, and only few know what actually happened.     

Dwarven perspective on events

In 1096, the Alliance stood to defend Capital city with their armies, as the great army of the evil creatures slowly marched upon it. A raven from Gullborgen, the capital city of the dwarves, brought a message to the dwarven king: Gullborgen was soon to be under siege by the evil creatures. The army marching upon the capital city of the alliance is but a fraction of the complete army; most are approaching the dwarven city. The city sheltered all of the dwarven women and children, along with their treasures and other items of cultural significance.   The King of the Dwarves demanded that a large portion of the alliance army be rerouted to the dwarven capital, leaving a third at the capital city to protect it. The elven and human leaders, in disbelief, refused to leave the capital city behind. Furious and enraged, the dwarven king sent his own army, the smallest of the three armies within the alliance, to the dwarven capital. Luckily, the fortifications of the dwarven city held on just long enough for the dwarven army to arrive. The dwarves managed to defeat the evil army by the skin of their teeth, leaving thousands of dwarves to die. Meanwhile, the alliance capital was easily defended with minimal alliance casualties.  

Human-Elf perspective on events

Most attacks on the alliance had been on human and elven settlements. The settlements of the dwarves, deep in the mountains, were difficult to reach and were therefore largely ignored by the evil army. Because of this, to the dwarves, the war seemed like a war on the elves and humans and not a war on the alliance. The dwarven troops, naturally hesitant to work with their human and elf counterparts, slowly grew more and more irritated. Why should they fight and die in someone else's war? Over the course of months without any attack on dwarven settlements, the dwarven king threatened to leave the alliance.   Around the same time, news came to the alliance that an enormous host of the evil army was approaching the Capital city. At this point in time, around a third of the alliance army was stationed in the capital city, of which roughly half were dwarven soldiers. The remainder of the army was in the north, defending the alliance at the forefront of the war. Despite knowing about all of this, the dwarven king decided to leave the capital city with all of his troops. A platoon of alliance soldiers, lead by Father of main character, was sent to the gates to parlay the dwarven army and to beg them from leaving. The dwarves slaughtered the entire platoon and left the city.   Without the dwarves, the city was unable to defend itself against the large group of evil creatures. The remaining army, who received notice of the dwarven desertion as soon as it occurred, managed to reach the capital city and defeat the invaders. However, it was already too late. The entire army that was stationed at the capital was wiped out, and millions of innocent citizens lost their lives on that day. Humans, elves, and even dwarven citizens were robbed, raped, and killed by the invading forces. Meanwhile, the dwarven armies safely returned to their settlements, completely unharmed.
Start Date
Ending Date


The Evil Army





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