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Bayne Dalon

Bayne Dalon

Bayne Dalon is the Oathsworn bodyguard of Nalya Ruus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bayne was raised by his father in the Raszan Sandsea. After his mother had died, his father turned to theivery and the life of a highwayman, and Bayne soon followed in his footsteps.   Orphaned at 14, Bayne joined up with the Bloodied Sand bandit gang, and by the time he was 22 made quite a name for himself in the group.   One day, he and his fellow bandits waylaid a wealthy family travelling north through the Sandsea and kidnapped the son of the family, holding him for ransom. Unfortunately, the camp was ambushed by a rival gang, and Bayne was stabbed and left for dead. The son of the wealthy family, however, instead of escaping when he could, stayed behind to help Bayne and carried him across the Sandsea to a town near the coast, where he was nursed back to health.   Bayne, upon learning of this, set out to find the son of the wealthy family and swore an oath to him, making them sworn brothers. That boy was Ailron Ruus.   Over the years, Bayne righted himself, forswearing banditry and even briefly joining the lawkeepers, where he earned a reputation for hunting down and eliminating bandit gangs all across the Sandsea.   For decades he earned this name for himself, until word came to him of the death of his sworn brother. Bayne, blaming himself for not being there for him, instead swore an oath to his daughter, Nalya Ruus, that he would protect her till his dying days.   Bayne supported Nalya through her decisions, even as far as her renunciation of her Raszan citizenship and her ennoblement in Halen. He even followed her deep into the Disputed Lands, where he was among the first people from the Pactlands to encounter the town of Ladysmith.   He is currently accompanying Nalya Ruus on a diplomatic mission to Halen along with Terra Murphy, Ryan Stillsand Cale Shepherd.

Intellectual Characteristics

Bayne is prideful and arrogant, but with good cause to be.
Current Status
To protect Nalya Ruus
Current Location
Long, white, tied back.

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