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Nalya Ruus

Lady Nalya dels Avirne el Ruus

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From a young age, Nalya was her father's daughter. Interested in the subject of history, poetry, and reading of the adventures of the great heroes, such topics informed her upbringing.   At the age of sixteen, she attended the Deyish Academies under the Wings of the Swan, where she met Keltz Wicket and formed a friendship with him. She eventually graduated and returned to Rasza, where she tried her hand at being a scholar.   Eventually, her mother insisted on an arranged marriage with the grandson of the High Justice, and Nalya instead would regularly join her father on his expeditions instead of entertaining her mother's notions of marriage.   On one such expedition, her father was killed. Nalya blamed herself and was willing to accept responsibility, but upon returning to her family's estate, she was surprised to find that her family blamed her entirely for her father's fate, going so far as to equate her to a murderer.   Depressed and suicidal, she attempted to end her life until Bayne Dalon arrived upon hearing news of his friend's death, and confronts her, swearing an Oath and offering her a different path.   Nalya, suspecting her family of plotting against her and her father, renounced her Raszan citizenship and approached Nadus Hillbreaker XII to petition him for ennoblement, and to reclaim the ancestral House of Roses estate in Cilasia. He agrees, but under the stipulation that he needs someone he can trust in his court to lead a small force into the Disputed Lands and spy on the activities of the Empire of Vector in an attempt to discern their goals there, suspecting more than merely what they have stated. Uncertain, she visits her mother's brother in Arronay, who is a bearer of the Blue Sight in hopes he will have some answers for her. He only tells her there is something in the Disputed Lands she must see, and that it will help her in her goals.
  Nalya agrees, and leads a small force into the Disputed Lands accompanied by Bayne Dalon and Keltz Wicket. While there, they bear witness to the Blacklight Event, and the three of them, along with Arie Boas are among the first to encounter the people of Ladysmith.   Understanding the presence of Ladysmith to be what her uncle was telling her about, she suddenly becomes dedicated to helping the town and her people, and upon contact with Terra Murphy, realizes that the woman is, in fact, a bearer of the Green Sight.   Nalya, informed by Terra's visions, then insists that Terra, Ryan Stills and Cale Shepherd return to Halen with her to meet with both the King and her Uncle. But what will come of it all, she does not know.


Nalya was granted ownership of her ancestral house in Halen on Tridra 14, 1024 after a successful petition to Nadus Hillbreaker XII and the renunciation of her Raszan citizenship following the death of her father and the disavowment from her family regarding an arranged marriage she refused to participate in.
Current Status
Traveling to Halen
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Countess of Roses
Long blonde
Aligned Organization

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