
Those categorized as "astral" races are folks associated with realms of phantasmal magic and design. Most are associated in some capacity with the outer realms - places of divine origin somewhere beyond the Material Plane and either in or on the fringes of the Astral Sea (hence the name, Astral). When traveling astral realms, these count among the most numerous people you'll find in communal regions and hubs.   Creatures aligned with these otherworldly elements are broadly referred to as Astralborn, even if they themselves were not born in the Astral. It's not uncommon for these folk to be confused with Sylvan races, given their similarly exotic backgrounds.  

Aasimar (DDB)

The aasimar of Chromanexus are a displaced people. While most in some fashion or another can trace their origins back to the celestial realms, either directly or through magic, many have come to appear in communities throughout Chromanexus as a result of Shuriig relentless assault on the whole of existence, driven from places and temples they once called home by overwhelming corruption.   Among the aasimar is one organization that has gained some sense of notoriety from their efforts - the Aumani Order. This group of ascetics follow closely in the path of Auman, a divine manifestation of the Positive Plane they believe to be wholly separate from other powerful gods of light, such as Lathander. They believe the Rider known as Raguel is proof of Auman's existence, and spread Raguel's name and deeds wherever they go. Agents of the Aumani can be found in any major civilization, further spreading the influence of the celestial realms and seeking out divine knowledge to save and protect it from destruction.  

Dhampir (DDB)

Dhampirs are surprisingly common in Chromanexus, though the same could be said of any creature skirting the boundaries of death itself. The power of the negative plane is rampant and free in the Chromanexus, leading to an abundance of undead and undead-adjacent people both in the Astral and Material realms.   There are many Dhampir who have spawned in the wake of the Crimson Plague, a symptom of the abyssal infection spreading across and throughout the multiverse. These Dhampir tend to show various signs of slow decay in their physique and most prominently feature violent yellow eyes always searching for the next feast. Unlike other Dhampir who tend towards more common hungers and obsessions, those spawned from surviving the plague have a preference for rotten or diseased food.  

Githyanki (DDB)

The githyanki of Chromanexus are not entirely different from their multiversal counterparts, with one exception: their central fortress, Tu'narath, was attacked by and infiltrated by the hostile entity known commonly as Alexander. Were it not for the fortunate arrival and intervention of the Hero's Guild, it's very possible Alexander's decades'-long-plot to destroy Githyanki society from the inside-out may very well have succeeded.  

Githzerai (DDB)

The Githzerai are largely unknown in Chromanexus. That's not to say they're unheard of, but unlike their far more prevalent cousins the Githyanki, the Githzerai are unseen and unheard of to most cultures and realms. They appear only to deal with illithid threats with savage efficiency before vanishing back to their fortress deep in the chaotic streams that compose Limbo.  

Kalashtar (DDB)

It is said that in the world of dreams, all things are equal. It's a bit of a misconception, but steeped in some semblance of truth - the Dream World is a "real" place that exists around and between all realms, including even the astral planes. It is here people may experience the impossibility of speaking face-to-face with a god or some other supernatural power, and vice-versa ... yet often have little if any recollection of it come the next time they wake.   There is one race who lives between Chromanexus and this distant, unpredictable realm. The kalashtar, bound to the spirits who call the Dream World home for one reason or another in much the same fashion an aasimar is bound to the celestials, or a tiefling to fiends. This unusual nature lends kalashtar a benefit few others in Chromanexus enjoy: a natural resilience to madness, as detailed in Sanity.   It is not uncommon to see Kalashtar on the front-lines of combat against the forces of Shuriig, the Far Realm, and all those who've allied with the banner of the Apocalypse. It's unknown if this same logic has resulted in one of the most prominent Riders of the Apocalypse, Eirvakri (Wraith, don't forget to update this after Kira makes a bio for Eir), or if the others throughout Chromanexus are simply following her example and taking charge.  

Luvese (Custom - Wraith)

The luvese are wandering fey sprites whose origins are steeped in just as much mystery and wonder as the courts they hail from. The luvese are often confused for monsters and thri-keen, given their insect-like appearances and psionic traits – it is normal for the luvese to share features with moths, dragonflies, butterflies, beetles, and other similar species found in and around the feywilds. They are a people of secrets and whispers, of occult knowledge and lore, and share the knowledge of stars with those who listen.   There are some rumors the luvese originated from Gemini, though how or why is unknown, and whether this somehow relates to Gemini's origins with Alexander is a question few wish to know.  
  • Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom score by 2.
  • Age. The Luvese do not believe in concepts such as age, and know nothing of what it means to be born or to die from the passage of time. They simply come into being one day, and vanish another, nothing more than passing fancies in the wild dreams of society.
  • Size. Most Luvese measure between 5 and 6 feet tall, but the hardiest among them rarely weigh any more than 80 pounds. Your size is Medium.
  • Telepathic. A Luvese’s connection to whispered, forgotten things lends them to lives of hushed silence and reverence, preferring instead to communicate with each other through quiet, non-verbal methods. You gain the Telepathic feat. When using your telepathy to communicate with other creatures, you create subtle smells of nature associated with the emotions you are attempting to convey, such as honey for the sense of pleasure, or cinnamon for anger.
  • Darkvision. Most Luvese are nocturnal creatures, living deep in forests, old libraries, and places where dust gathers. Accustomed to twilight, you have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
  • Language. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Plasmoid (DDB)

It is said the plasmoids are a relatively recent addition to the cosmic tapestry of Chromanexus. These ooze-like creatures were first encountered within the last few decades (as far as Chromatian time is concerned). Some records suggest the plasmoids are survivors of something truly awful that occurred in the Abyss, coinciding with the mysterious disappearance of the demon prince Juiblex and the layer dubbed the Slime Pits. Reinforcing this theory are cults of plasmoids who engage in all manner of foul activities to resurrect the vanished prince for better or worse, though their efforts have never seen fruition nor can any of the cults define when nor why they began such activities.  

Reborn (DDB)

Reborn have been around for as long as recorded history. Most tend to continue referring to themselves as whatever race they were before their complicated circumstances came to pass, but this is not a hard rule nor is it something most Reborn will particularly care to nit-pick about.   Some who have come into close contact with the Crimson Plague and survived the ordeal came back as Reborn rather than being restored to life proper. Why is anybody's guess, but they are identified by a viscous red ooze replacing their innards in place of proper organs or bones. The ooze has an almost acidic quality to it, though not enough to deal any significant nor lasting damage to those it touches.  

Tieflings (DDB | Feral)

Tieflings in Chromanexus are more common and accepted than their multiversal cousins tend to be. Why? Well, in Chromanexus, the Princes of Hell (including Asmodeus himself) can't seem to stop making their problems everyone else's problems, for better or worse.   It's probably also worth noting that for some reason, the forces of Hell seem to be among those with the best chances of fighting back against Shuriig and its allies, though the specifics are unclear. Supposedly, the River Styx seems to be a place the Crimson Plague and other similar forms of corruption simply can't invade nor take root in, giving fiends ample opportunity to spread on their own and mix with the cultures of Chromanexus when not contested by celestials or other species who find fiends less-than-savory. This often results in the spawning of Feral Tieflings, who have no particular allegiance to or legacy from one of the standing archfiends of Baator.


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