
The beastfolk, are those who, by some means or another, descended or were created from simple beasts and gained sentience, culture, and all the other trappings of developing civilization. While their cultures are as sprawling and varied as Naturalborn races, beastfolk tend towards tribal communities and nomadic lifestyles, and often interact with other races from an isolationist point of view. For one reason or another, they have often been overlooked by other cultures for better or worse.   There are, naturally, exceptions to this rule, but they are not necessarily advertised publicly. In either case, don't let high society fool you. The beastfolk have long been as advanced, if not more so, than most other cultures throughout existence. They were here long before the Naturalborn arrived, and count themselves among the oldest races throughout existence.  

Aarakocra (DDB)

There are no better mailmen in Chromanexus than an established flock of Aarokocra in your world.  

Chiropteran (Custom - Jake)

Chiropterans, also referred to as batfolk, originate from dark places where bats themselves may often be found. It is said the fey folk of yore had some hand in nurturing the growth of Chiropterans as a society, though the specifics are a matter of debate. Some say the drow bred them as soldiers for their wars in the Underdark. Others say the Chiropterans emerged from Feywilds or the cursed union between two vampires, and others still say a mad god gave birth to them and then was offended by something they did, thus taking away their ability to fly as their bestial cousins do without assistance and explaining their lack of flight.   In any case, there are few Chiropterans who indulge in these speculations, lending more to individualized, "here-and-now" lifestyles of opportunism and slumber. Mixing traits of bats and humans, Chiropterans are predators by nature, often more at home in the dark than in the light of day.  
  • Creature Type. You are Humanoid.
  • Size. You are Small or Medium (choose one when you pick this race). A typical Chiropteran is of similar height and build as humans, but there are some Chiropterans - like the fruit-loving tribes that make the jungles their home - who tend to be smaller in size and stature to more easily navigate their native environments.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Ability Score Increase. Adapted for moving quickly and quietly at night, your Dexterity score increases by 2.
  • Nocturnal Hunter. As predominantly night-time predators, Chiropterans are well adapted to moving in dark conditions. You gain the Skulker feat (you do not need to meet the Dexterity prerequisite).
  • Echolocation. You have blindsight out to 15 feet, allowing you to perceive your immediate surroundings without relying on sight. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn’t behind total cover, even if you’re blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you. Incorporeal creatures, such as ghosts or wind elementals, go unnoticed by this sense.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one language of your choice.

Giff (DDB)


Hadozee (DDB)


Harengon (DDB)


Kenku (DDB)


Leonin (DDB)


Loxodon (DDB)


Mousefolk (Custom - Caleb)

Mousefolk are, for all intents-and-purposes, everywhere. That said, these tiny, short-lived yet durable folk are reclusive and often avoid direct confrontation or interaction with the larger folk, preferring to stay out of the public eye and live happily in their own communes. Among those is the noble Heart society, also known as the Heartlands, who quietly seek to pursue and abolish the evils of racism, injustice, and violence to create a safer, happier world for all without drawing attention to themselves in the process.  
  • Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
  • Ability Score Increase. Increase your Intelligence score by 2.
  • Age. Mousefolk typically reach adulthood by the age of 10 and live to be around 50.
  • Size. Mousefolk are small people who use their size to stay out of the limelight as much as possible, traditionally averaging no more than two-and-a-half feet tall and weighing around 20 pounds. Your size is Small.
  • Resilient. Mousefolk have a reputation as hardy creatures, no matter what they choose to pursue in life. When you choose this race, you gain the Resilient (Constitution) feat.
  • Darkvision. Staying out of the way often demands hidden places to live – lush, dense forests, underground barrows, the gaps between the walls of bustling urban landscape – and so mousefolk have adapted to the lack of light in many of these places. You have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
  • Language. You can speak, read, and write Common and Loxodon. When speaking Loxodon, you speak a dialect mousefolk refer to as "Squeak Squeak", which largely seems like chittering gibberish to other species but for some reason instills a sense of hesitation in pachiderms and their ilk.

Minotaur (DDB)


Owlin (DDB)


Shifter (DDB)

The shifters are among some of the oldest beastfolk races known throughout Chromanexus, and there is no tribe older than the sagely Karlan Tribe of Chromatia. Their blood runs deep in the roots of the land, and as close as their relationship is with nature, it is well known that there are few if any who have an understanding of the elements and chaotic nature of the Primordials than they do.  

Tabaxi (DDB)


Thri-kreen (DDB)


Yuan-Ti (DDB)

The yuan-ti of Chromatia are largely based out of the desert city of Kutenet, and owe their faith to kinder, fairer gods than the traditionally evil gods of yuan-ti living in other realms. They are a noble people of pride and faith, and place strong values in their community – more so since the fall and complete destruction of their ancestral home, Ashkaris.   There is rumor of a tribe of yuan-ti who are particularly secretive, composed of assassins and spies so honed in their craft you'd never know the difference between them and other passersby if you caught them on the street in a busy thoroughfare. Where exactly they live is anyone's guess, assuming they're even real and not one of the many fabricated folktales that decorate the central world.


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