Chromatia Geographic Location in Chromanexus | World Anvil


Chromatia World Map.jpg

  Chromatia is, in a few words, the most important world in all existence. Why is largely a mystery, but for some reason this place seems to be the battleground and mixing pool of all things from here to there.   In terms of existence, Chromatia is a relatively young world. Not much more than a few thousand years, in fact, yet strangely, there are artifacts and elements of civilizations supposedly predating Chromatia by countless generations. Many believe to be a side effect of the world's inconsistent temporal placement, existing as a distinct point in space and time, and yet its occupants seem to flicker and meld between conflicting timelines on a regular basis without ever knowing the difference, a phenomenon documented to outside observers as Erratischisms. These erratischisms begin in Chromatia and have been known to effect the entirety of the Chromanexus, but as for why, no one could say.   In either case, this peculiar reality Chromatia lives in has resulted in a world of immense diversity and unusual beauty. In the same vein, it's also meant the world has seen more than its fair share of war and turmoil. Perhaps most significantly, all these circumstances together seem to encourage Chromatia as the single greatest source of individuals carrying the Astral Spark - that infinitesimal glimmer or mark on the soul that sends one off on the path to adventure, for good or for ill. More divines and legends have emerged from this world than any other, and by the looks of things, that will not stop any time soon. The pantheons that oversee existence all find themselves bound in some capacity to Chromatia, the legendary Great Wyrms call it home, doorways to the Fey Courts lurk in forgotten nooks and crannies, and more either unknown or unseen move through and between the pieces of this hallowed realm.   The conflicts of this world have varied from turf wars between mortal civilizations all the way up to and including war between gods and dark powers themselves. Creation myths dominate the realms about how the world came to be, suggesting that perhaps the world is far older than anything people know but has been destroyed and recreated many times, wiping the slate clean each time. Of course, that too is only a theory ... but not without credence. Approximately 500 years ago, the Great Shattering rocked the world - once a super continent by the same name as the planet itself, the land of Chromatia was split in two: Hestroa, to the west and Priotoris, to the east.   At the epicenter of this calamitous event was Shuriig, an elder evil thought by some to be even older than the universe itself, a force of destruction some have begun to worry is more a natural force than an invader. Time and time again this terror has come from beyond to raid Chromatia, motivations unknown, and each time its come, calamity has shaken the world to its core.   In the centuries since, great heroes and ruthless villains have emerged in even greater numbers and power than before, and none so often as those within the past decade as Shuriig once more returns and tries to make its play. Rumor has it someone or something is controlling it, but other powers suggest the inverse ... in either case, Chromatia is in just as much danger as it's ever been.   Will you step up to the task of preventing Chromatia's demise? Or will you be part of its collapse?  

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The western continent of Chromatia is known as Hestroa. This continent houses the bulk of the world's civilizations, and many of its oldest kingdoms and empires are found here (either still standing, or their ruins thereof). The land is most well known for its temperate climates, dominated largely by sweeping plains and tundras, and sprawling forests. The southern half of these lands are framed and divided by the Onyxians, a colossal mountain range that once divided the whole world and was split in half by Shuriig's revival. Towering over its western ranges is Mount Toltawa, a volcano that reaches far into the sky and doubles as the home and lair of the infamous Queen of Red Dragons, Incylla the Hellscourge.


The eastern continent of Chromatia, Priotoris, is a place of wilderness and magic. Many of the world's more magical and long-lived societies call the environments of this continent home, from the verdant jungles of the south to the swathes of sun-blasted sands to the north. Mirroring Hestroa, the northern half of this continent is cupped within the reaches of the Gray Fangs - the mountain range formerly part of the Onyxians. Many tribes of beastfolk, orc, and other cultures misconstrued as monstrous as nature call these mountains home. Whereas Hestroa is dominated by fragments of society, Priotoris is disparate and isolated - it can take days of travel for a wandered to encounter any semblance of civilization in these lands.

The Serene

The opposite side of the world is referred to as the Serene, an ocean that spans from Hestroa's western shores all the way around the globe to Priotoris's eastern shores. It is a largely uncharted place, marked by countless unmarked islands and stretches of sea that take even the most seasoned veterans days to sail across. Few risk the venture for anything less than a small fortune, as there is little out here beyond the kinds of creatures that just get mad when you shoot at them.

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