Corridors - Planar Travel in Chromanexus | World Anvil

Corridors - Planar Travel

I can't show you the way. I can only make sure you arrive where you believe you are meant to be.   -Pandora
  Those who've received the blessing of adventure, or "the spark", find themselves connected, inexplicably, by something beyond their own understanding. A "red thread" of sorts, that draws them close together regardless of their backgrounds or their goals, linking even the greatest heroes to the most tyrannical despots. Part of this connection is the concept of The Breach, an undefined location somewhere in the multiverse that seems immersed in reality, yet fully disconnected from it.   Nothing can come or go from this place without the assistance of a Corridor, a special type of magical gate managed by the enigmatic construct known as Pandora. Corridors can open anywhere in existence, inviting those with the spark into the Breach and establishing their connection with this strange place and the others that may pass through it, and once one knows how, they can call for corridors connecting to places they know or are familiar with.   In a nutshell, you can use a Corridor to "fast travel" to any location established in the Atlas, as well as any existing Overworld or Domain channel in the server. There's some conditions to their use, however - you can't just call one to escape a fight you're afraid of losing, for example. The Corridor only opens when it's narratively acceptable for a Corridor to open; this could be when an adventure is finished, during a period of rest, after a fight has finished but before the cave has collapsed, or an otherwise similar moment.   In other words, the Corridor only opens at the beginning and end of an adventure, wherever that may be, so long as it begins somewhere we know and are familiar with.   To be clear, any player character can access a corridor. Most NPCs generally can't. They simply lack the spark needed to connect with Pandora and traverse it.


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