The Breach

... Just what is this place? I've decided to call it the Breach, for the unusual way we found our way in here, but even the name defies familiarity. It feels uncomfortable and strange on my tongue, no matter how many times I say it, and no matter how many times I've tried to give it other names.   -Unknown guildsman's journal
The "Breach" as it's been called is an abstract point somewhere in Realmspace (Material Plane) lacking any true definition. Here, the passage of time is considered at a stand still with the exception of measuring its passage. Likewise, the concept of death is non-existent - there is no lasting harm that can be dealt in this realm, by anyone or anything.   The organization known as the Hero's Guild operates out of this place with the help of the enigmatic Pandora, the construct that serves as the Astral Link and the only way in or out for those deemed to have the Astral Spark, for better or worse. It can freely connect Corridors to any plane of existence, and does so without any provocation or encouragement from members of the guild.   Perhaps it should not be surprising, however, that the Breach plays host to more than just those former members of the guild. Others come and go presumably by Pandora's whim, given their ability to step into and through the Corridors within and without the Breach, including but not limited to common enemies or those the guild has labelled as villains. Again, there is no means to inflict lasting harm here and intent to do so is stymied unless both parties consent to the arrangement.   Still, the space within the Breach is so expansive, its entirely possible to never see those whose beliefs run counter to yours unless they wish to be seen. Every known space within the Breach is infinitely far apart, yet somehow adjacent, generally granting an appearance of a labyrinthian fortress that shifts around you in order to get to your intended destination without effecting anyone else's perception or passage through it.   Occasionally, forays into the Expanse are called for - the infinite wilderness surrounding the fortress - in an effort to locate places that are not yet known. These ventures are dangerous, extremely so, but not always in ways immediately visible ...   For a list of locations discovered within the Breach, see below.

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