Deep Star

The Deep Star.   A domain as mysterious as it is dangerous.   This realm, a world adrift in the astral seas, separated from any known systems, moves quietly through the currents of wildspace. Discovered by the dwarves of Stonehaven, the Deep Star is a dark place overloaded with hazardous environments and even more dangerous locals - all manner of monsters and aberrations make this place home. From the outside in, the planet appears to be dead... but those who've landed on its surface find it's anything but.   Perhaps the most curious property of the Deep Star is the abundance of natural resources packed into its lower depths. Wealth in the form of precious metals and jewels knows no limit here, and even many of the Chromanexus's rarest resources become increasingly common the deeper one goes. Perhaps it's all a cleverly laid trap to prey on the greed of visiting peoples, but the fact of the matter is it's there, and the dwarves have managed to secure a foothold in the planet's orbit via the SMC, permitting them to organize, deploy, and retrieve teams of individuals brave enough to plumb the realm's depths in exchange for riches beyond most creatures' imaginations.   But why is the Deep Star so much more dangerous than any other monster-infested realm?   Intelligence reports have found the Deep Star claims the souls of anything that dies there. It is a permanent death, to die in this domain, a death that can only be reversed if the remains of the dead can be retrieved and removed from the world's clutches. Some theorize the Deep Star is simply divorced from the weave of our realms; others suggest it may be the corpse of a jealous, greedy primordial from an age long past trying to resurrect itself with the scraps it claims. Whatever the case may be, resurrection is impossible from this realm.  

Environments of the Deep Star

The following environments, also referred to as "Deep Dive Zones" by the SMC, make up the majority of known environments within the Deep Star. Traverse at your own risk.  

Azure Weald

These zones consist of caverns filled with pink and blue bioluminescent plants. It features big, open chambers, connected by tunnels filled with glowing flora, producing a soft light. Friendly flying creatures can be used for traversal in this area should you not be afraid of heights.

Crystalline Caverns

The crystalline caverns of the Deep Star contain vast purple crystals composed of worthless materal, jutting out of the walls of the cave and obscuring vision. Electric crystals are a rare hazard that arc chains of high voltage electricity between each other at regular intervals. The tight corridors and tunnels of the region are helpfully lit by glowing blue crystals, the only natural source of light in the region.

Magma Core

Molten drifts beneath the planets surface play host to explosive plants, explosive creatures, lava geysers, and frequent earthquakes. Miners should be especially careful when operating in this area, as explosions can and will expose dangerously hot rock beneath the ground.

Fungus Bogs

These pores in the planet's surface are overrun with strange and alien vegetation: patches of dense grass and vines, legions of giant mushrooms, pools of thick goo, and clusters of poisonous spores that will release deadly vapors when approached. Mekka or fish suits are strongly advised.

Glacial Strata

One of the more extreme environments of the Deep Star, these frigid locales feature sub-zero temperatures and oppressive blizzards even in the depths. Workers will need to manage their temperature to avoid becoming frozen solid. Certain types of hostile fauna have adapted to the cold, and will attack any intruders with freezing substances.

Hollow Bough

The SMC found a few of these locations scattered around the surface of the Deep Star, notable for their resemblance to the interior of a dead subterranean tree greatly infested by hazardous vines that offer no form of leisure for any mission. The area is largely devoid of plant life due to this invasive species, yet a unique form of wasps has somehow made their home here.   A DC 20 Intelligence check will suggest to a player's character these regions are remarkably similar in appearance to the infamous Dark Spires employed by those working with and for Shuriig, especially the fully developed spire destroyed in Bjornfall. It's not enough evidence to be concrete, but it's still worth thinking about.

Sandblasted Corridors

Twisting labyrinths of sandstone-like material. The material is easy enough to tunnel through, but caution is advised when digging downwards - sudden drops into yawning caverns are common enough to yield concern. Individual caverns can be hundreds of meters in length and height, but are occasionally engulfed by thick sandstorms kicked up by winds forced through the tunnels. Some believe portals to Pandemonium can be found in here, gateways that catch unsuspecting workers by surprise as they switch seamlessly from the maze-like corridors of the Deep Star to those of the plane of chaos. Watch your step.

Salt Pits

Densely populated regions noted for the giant red salt crystals jutting out of the walls at irregular angles. Fragile platforms of white salt can occasionally be found on the walls. Stalactites delicately hang from the ceiling which, when disturbed, can and often do crush smaller creatures beneath them.
Planetoid, Rogue
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