
Elemental races share a close kinship with the Primordials, at least in the sense that whether directly or through some distant lineage, they have an intrinsic connection to the Primordial Chaos.  

Adamant (Custom - Wraith)

These beast-like elementals are renowned far and wide for their colossal herds, known as avalanches. The presence of an Adamant herd is often preceded by the distant rumbling of their footsteps, whether it be on the surface or somewhere in the winding depths of the world. Their physical bodies take a variety of shapes and forms, shapes of stone and sand emulating bears, deer, rabbits, or any other variety of land-born beast.   It is often said the Adamant are each born with a question deep within their souls, to be excavated slowly with time and patience. Many spend their entire lives in pursuit of one question after another, possessed by a need to understand. Consequently, the Adamant come to be known as studied sages and scholars in philosophy and science. The Adamant have a strong sense of community but have no qualms with leaving the herd if they believe it necessary to seeking out the answers beyond their reach.   Most curiously, as an Adamant travels and churns the sand and stone that makes up their body, the pressure and motion forms jewels in their core that eventually snap free and mix with the rest of their bodies. Their first jewel typically won't show until the end of their first century of living, when they are considered adolescents, and slowly become increasingly bedazzled over the next century. At the age of 200, a now-adult adamant glistens in the light of the sun from the jewels that have mixed quite thoroughly with their mass. The color and clarity of the jewels gradually shifts through the colors of a rainbow as an Adamant ages - ruby, to citrine, to beryl, to jade, to sapphire, to amethyst, and then topaz by around the age of 800. After this, the jewels will begin to lose their color until they have a diamond-like quality, a process that also hardens the adamant and slows their movements until they become fully petrified.   As horrifying as this may sound, most adamant see it as a deeply spiritual experience. The shifting in color is said to represent the points they gain understanding of their seven principles of thought, and the final century of their lives - as they transition to diamond and harden - is said to be when they have fully connected with the world they live in and are now moving to the next stage of their lives as a true part of the immortal elements of nature, permitting them to live on through all things. The petrified remains of an adamant are consequently seen as holy figures and saints, and for this reason many of the eldest adamant migrate to the holy Sahasrara Citadel, where their bodies will be preserved until time has fully returned them to the sand and dust they emerged from. Others may instead take lives of hermitage in places steeped with nature, such that their bodies may supply the wondrous gardens that will flourish around them in decay.  
  • Creature Type. You are an Elemental. Your body is made of shifting sand and interlocking stone.
  • Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence or Charisma score increases by 2 (choose one).
  • Age. Adamant are born fully grown when a spark of life lands in the tremoring wake of a passing herd of Adamant, but are not seen as adults until around the age of 200. They typically live anywhere between eight and nine hundred years.
  • Size. You are Small or Medium (your choice). The Adamant bear a number of remarkable likenesses to beastfolk in both size and stature.
  • Speed. You have a walking speed of 30 feet.
  • Patience and Understanding. The adamant are known for their slow going nature, a trait that enables them to truly appreciate and take in their surroundings. You gain the Observant feat.
  • Darkvision. Life out in the open and in the deep, wherever the adamant are, happens at all times. Thus, the adamant have grown to see just as well at night as they do during the day. You have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
  • Languages. You make speak, read, and write Common and Primordial (Terran).

Air Genasi (DDB)


Earth Genasi (DDB)


Fire Genasi (DDB)


Phyraxi (Custom - Wraith)

The Phyraxi are a people born of blood and fire, fueled by powerful emotions and a culture steeped in the art of the hunt. Their people revere the Azure Salamander and honor it through the ritual of the forge. Known far and wide as some of the best mercenaries in the land, Phyraxi typically work exclusively for a rare metal associated with their bloodlines, of which they shape into weapons and armor to be used in their craft. Many know to fear a fully armored Phyraxi, for to wield such wealth they must have seen and overcome many an obstacle.   The Phyraxi, despite this intimidating reputation, often have a difficult time living up to it. Their devout passion and fanatical focus towards their own goals are often overlooked by their childlike size (though their magma-like skin helps even this out a bit). Some say they burnt too fiercely in the distant past, and it forever stunted their growth. It's not unheard of for people to confuse an unarmored Phyraxi with a wild magmin out and about.  
  • Creature Type. Your creature type is Elemental. Your skin looks like the cracked flow of lava, revealing a burning glow from within. You can gain sustenance from consuming flammable materials rather than typical foods.
  • Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution or Charisma score increases by 2 (choose one).
  • Age. The phyraxi burn hard and fast. Tempered carefully from within a salamander forge over the course of a year by an elder Phyraxi whitesmith, the Phyraxi burst into existence from the spark of the tinder and are considered fully grown adults carrying the knowledge and experience of each elder who's ever worked the forge. A Phyraxi's color slowly shifts from low yellow to orange to white to blue over the course of each decade, before slowly darkening until around the age of fifty. When a Phyraxi dies of old age, they collapse to the ground and dissolve into soft ashes.
  • Size. You are Small. The tallest Phyraxi on record, a fearsome individual whose legends were far taller than they were, is documented as having been no taller than four feet high.
  • Speed. You have a walking speed of 30 feet.
  • Salamander Scale. The phyraxi who uphold the old ways and traditions of their people carry with them an intimate familiarity with heavy armor and its use in combat, and are comfortable donning it regardless of where else their proficiencies ultimately lie. You gain the Heavily Armored feat, whether you are previously proficient with medium armor or not.
  • Mercenaries by Trade. The life of a sellsword is a life requiring some semblance of adaptability. Choose proficiency in one skill of your choice.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial (Ignan).

Undine (Custom - Wraith)

Creatures of ice and brine, Undine are elemental folk born of the primordial seas. Their bodies are carved from the wandering bergs of Amrita, the ancestral home of their people long since fallen to ruin. History tells many a story of the rise and fall of the Undine’s once mighty empire, a kingdom collapsed from civil war. As the story goes, the survivors were cursed to wander the realms in exile and isolation forevermore until they recovered what the kingdom had lost. The truth of the tale is steeped in obscurity and rumor, but despite this it is no unknown fact the Undine immediately strike out on their own, driven by a need to explore the unknown.   Perhaps as a result of this desire to journey, the Undine have come to possess an innate sense of direction and a natural talent with navigation. These folks do little to commune with their own kind in the decades that pass during their lives, making their home the caravans and ships they settle within rather than gathering in any one location. Many refuse to begin a venture without an Undine among the crew, if for no other reason than their gift for healing the wounds of others.  
  • Creature Type. You are an Elemental. Your body is made of ice and currents of sea water, shaped in a humanoid likeness. You do not need food to survive, but you do need regular access to clean water (including but not limited to salt water) to replenish your energy.
  • Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom or Charisma score increase by 2 (choose one).
  • Age. Undine are considered adults the day they are born, carrying within them the memories and experiences stored within the ice berg they were each carved from. They typically live between two and three hundred years, but some elders have been observed pushing upwards of 400. An undine nearing their end of life will typically feel compelled to return home, where they will once more join the sea and contribute their knowledge to the ice bergs that will shape future generations.
  • Size. You are Medium. The undine are comparable to humans in size, but typically weigh twice as much.
  • Speed. You have a walking speed of 30 feet.
  • Innate Sense of Direction. No matter where you are, you always seem to know where you're going. You gain the Keen Mind feat.
  • Wayfinder. You have proficiency in Wisdom (Survival) checks.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial (Aquan).

Sylph (Custom - Wraith)

Nomadic spirits born from the very wind itself, the Sylph are a capricious folk who can know no one place longer than they can stand, and they do anything but stand. The sylph flit from one place to another with glee, seeking out and swapping stories with the locals and oft forming momentary troupes of story tellers, performers, and whatever else have you when they happen to encounter one another in the ‘flesh’. It’s probably no surprise many pick up the skills of bards and minstrels along the way.  
  • Creature Type. Your are an Elemental. Your body is made of wind and clouds, tinged with sparks of electricity. Rather than eating normally, you gain sustenance from sharing stories with other creatures and drinking in their reactions - some might argue you're consuming their breath, but there's not really any proof that's how it works.
  • Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity or Charisma score increases by 2.
  • Age. The sylph are a mercurial sort, born when elemental air latches to a spark of life. While the sylph are physically considered grown adults the day they are born, sylph measure their age not in years, but by experiences and stories. You are not seen as nor treated as an adult until you have enough tales to occupy an entire evening with riveting talks of fancy, intrigue, and wonder – whether true or exaggerated. Sylph otherwise die when they’ve told their last tale.
  • Size. Most sylph are equivalent in size to humans but weigh virtually nothing in kind. Your body is tangible, but otherwise brings to mind a facsimile of wind and clouds in a vaguely humanoid shape. Your size is Medium.
  • Speed. You have a walking speed of 30 feet.
  • Storytellers by Trade. The sylph are predisposed towards sharing a good story, so much so that it has ingrained itself into their heritage. You gain the Actor feat.
  • Adaptable. A life on the road is a life fraught with obstacles, and so most sylph pick up a few handy tricks along the way. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial (Auran).

Triton (DDB)

There is a legend that a lost triton community exists somewhere in the depths of Shuriig's Demise on Chromatia, but no one has ever confirmed its existence nor ever seen it, nor have the tritons ever uttered a word for or against its validity. And yet, rumors continue to abound that it exists ...  

Water Genasi (DDB)


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