Gnomeball Prime

Gnomeball Prime is a small planetoid adrift in space. How it got here is a mystery of its own making - it used to be part of Chromatia but shortly after the Upheaval found itself plucked straight from the world's surface and tossed into space, along with some of the world's finest gnomeballs and gnomeball players.   Formerly known as the Ultimate Gnomeball Arena - namely as the place where the game of Gnomeball first became recognized for what it was as a beloved international sport thanks to the late King Bjorn and its generally light-hearted nature - Gnomeball Prime did its best to establish itself in its new home adrift in Wildspace, expanding its influence not only as a global sport, but a sport to be cherished across the multiverse too.   The entire planetoid is thus devoted to the sport. A large portion of it is the arena itself, but carefully planned architecture and industrial movements have converted what remaining land mass there is into living quarters, concessions, and everything else one might find in and around a typical sports stadium - but on a scale equivalent to a small moon. As most of this was artificially added with whatever materials were available, most of Gnomeball Prime - beyond the arena itself - is a hodgepodge of various styles and art forms with no particular consistency, rhyme, nor reason to their placement.  

Available Areas


The Arena

Yeah. The real deal. The ultimate gnome ball arena. Only true champions set foot here.

The Stands

Come here to watch? Chat with other spectators? We've got seating.

The Suites

Well, since this is a world of its own, we need space for people to live. Behold. The Suites. What better than waking up in the morning, rolling over, and looking outside the window to see your favorite game ongoing?


Food. So much food.


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