
Lord of the Harvest, the Silent Knight Iovaerix (a.k.a. Io)

"A divine dance between a god and a king."   To those who know the Iokharic dialects of old, this is the idea of what Iovaerix's name means. Iovaerix has lead a curious life ... artificially born, he was created some thirty years ago as part of an attempt to resurrect a long dead god of creation - the ruby dragon, Sardior.   He never lived a poor life. Even as an experiment and a tool, he was not treated unkindly - and when the mage's efforts came back to bite him, Iovaerix - then known as Ioskarr, "broken divinity" - harbored no hatred for the fellow. Many factions vied for influence over Iovaerix, but ultimately the Dragon Seed took up a life of nobility and worked as an ambassador to the public.   In time, Iovaerix would join the Guild. His path would take him to confront the conflicting natures of his ancestry, and see his ascent from proud dragonborn to full-blooded dragon. Conflict would see him ascend again to become a ruby dragon himself, securing his position as a demigod in most people's eyes, and recently, rage and grief permitted him to take the last step necessary to unintentionally realize the mad mage's old dreams.   Iovaerix resurrected Sardior, using his own body as a physical vessel. It was here, when both minds became one, they agreed to take on a new name and identity, for this new whole was both of them, yet neither of them.   Iovaerix.   "A divine dance between a god and a king."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Iovaerix stands 30 feet tall. Being a dragon, he shares a number of monstrous qualities that instill fear just as often as they instill awe and wonder. His frame is notably lithe and light for a dragon of his size, lending further credence to his unnaturally silent movements.

Body Features

Atop his brow lies a crown of ruby-colored bone and horn. Six horns spiral out and sweep backward from the mask-like growth, positioned so as to protect Iovaerix's neck without limiting his ability to look behind himself. The space between his eyes glows with divine radiance, depicting the draconic symbol for "Io", or "Totality".   His body is coated with a thick layer of snowy-white fur with an appearance like a rolling cloud of fog. To those Iovaerix trusts, its silky-smooth and warm to the touch ... but in combat, they may as well be hardened scales. Each quill is itself actually a diamond-like jewel, refracting all the colors of the rainbow when in light - something Iovaerix is always surrounded by, even in places of total darkness.   Around his body, mostly wherever there are joints, long spikes of the same ruby bone on Iovaerix's face protrude at disjointed angles and along the length of Iovaerix's spine. The thorny surfaces don't seem particularly suited for combat, but it is safe to say they are likely more defensive than offensive in nature.

Facial Features

Gleaming from beneath Iovaerix's crown are a set of penetrating ruby eyes. They are known to shift colors when he experiences an extreme emotion, but when, why, and how he does not explain. His reserved expressions make it difficult to tell what the dragon may be thinking at a glance.   Of note, Iovaerix's teeth have also become ruby red, giving him a terrifying bloody grin. Still, his neutral appearance means very few ever see them.

Identifying Characteristics

Fucking shiny, yo. So pervasive is his luminance that many mistake him for a comet flying overhead in the distant sky, lending to his nickname as the "Harvest Comet".

Special abilities

Aside from the divine radiance Iovaerix emits, he also produces a subtle aura of quiet around himself. A creature in Iovaerix's presence without any kind of mental shielding can often sense a sort of mental static when Iovaerix breathes, and have been known to experience bouts of terrible mental pressure when Iovaerix is driven to rage.

Apparel & Accessories

Iovaerix wears a small amulet around his neck, various bangles on his wrists, and an assortment of rings on each finger. Somewhere in his fur is kept a satchel - his bag of holding - but he positions it carefully so as to keep it out of sight and not conflict with his appearance.   Woven into his crown is a platinum diadem that highlights the draconic rune on his brow.   Each item adorning Iovaerix's person is set with dozens of rubies of varying cut and clarity, many of which being priceless in nature.

A dragon who exists somewhere between mortality and divinity, the end product of a mad mage's efforts to resurrect a long dead god of creation. Image credit:

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
30 ft
23,000 lbs


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