Meet the Game Masters in Chromanexus | World Anvil

Meet the Game Masters

For those new to D&D or roleplay games, the term “Game Master” refers to those individuals who speak on behalf of the world surrounding the player. These are the narrators, the engines of fate, the individuals who read our requests, define the environment, and dictate the fate elicited by the rolls of our dice. In the Chromanexus, game masters are broadly referred to as "the Voices".   In-game, the Voices are essentially "overdeities" or demiurges - unseen entities with no need to care for worshipers. They do not answer prayers, they do not grant spells, and do not respond to mortal queries. If they are known at all, it is to a handful of scholars throughout the Chromanexus who may or may not be seen as madmen. They are not distinct entities as far as anyone is concerned, and more like the underlying foundation that gives existence shape, form, and direction from the tiniest speck all the way up to the most powerful gods.   They are a purely abstract construct that decide things as spontaneously and often with about as much intention as a roll of a die.   Out-of-character, the Voices are split into three categories: Admin, Bots, and Community GMs.  

Chromanexus Staff

It would be fair to call Admin the "Greater Voices", as these few dictate all things in the game. Admin handle the minutia of server support and administration when they're not playing the game alongside you, and alone have free reign to alter the fate of Chromatia at their whim, along with the rules that govern what everyone else in the Chromanexus must abide by in order to play the game.   The founder is Gan, the end-all-be-all of server decisions, story direction, and tie breaking.   Alongside Gan are Alex, Jake, Kira, Vulkan, and Wraith. This neurotic bunch of misfits help manage the various tasks of generating content, mediating conflict, and moderating core rules and lore for everyone's consumption.   And yes.   We are all actively plotting to murder you.  


Since we use Discord as our main medium of play, we have the added benefit of using Discord bots to help automate most of the game's functions to make it easier to play in an online environment. The two bots you will be using the most heavily are Avrae (The Merchant) and Tupperbox (The Choirs).   The Merchant is the backbone of our game and handles all the things we come to expect and need from D&D. Dice rolls, inventory management, stats and character sheets, combat - just about every game function is powered by Avrae, as it's Wizards of the Coast's official D&D tool for Discord. If you're new to using Avrae, we recommend checking out Avrae's Help Documentation (or at least bookmarking it so you know where to look if you need it).   The Voices are our way of speaking the game into existence. This tool lets players create "aliases" for their characters and NPCs, which when used to post transforms a post from you the player to look like a post from your character(s) instead, as if the character themselves posted. In this way, we can support multiple characters per player and, if a player ever decides to change characters, leave the server, or whatever else have you, posts from that character are preserved and can still be searched later. Plus, it looks nicer. We'll have some instructions on how to use Tupperbox here for you, or you can read the user guide here.   In addition, we have a few other bots we use to support specific admin tasks and server functions:  
  • Dyno (Pandora) welcomes folks to the server and keeps track of memorable moments across time and space, among other things.
  • Pronoun Picker (Aether) can optionally assign you a role telling the rest of the server what to refer to you as in regular out-of-character conversations.
  • Stat Bot (Lauren) keeps track of server analytics and insights.
  • Tatsu (Genesis) oversees our social ranking system, which we use to control and delegate certain rights to community members.
You don't necessarily need to know how to use or interact with these latter bots in order to play, but if you're curious about how exactly they function in the server and what they do, feel free to ask staff.  

Community GMs

Whereas staff are the greater powers overseeing the stability of the game world and directing its main storylines, community GMs are members of the community (you) who have begun or have been running their own content in the game, either within their own Domains or elsewhere. The biggest benefit of having community GMs in a place like the Chromanexus is that it means there's almost always someone running something, content generated by community GMs helps to further enrich the game's lore and expand the universe in all sorts of fun new ways, and characters are able to continue developing and telling their own stories even in the absence of staff.   Anyone is allowed to contribute as Community GMs. Check out We are the Voices for more information if this is something you're interested in.


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