Monster Resurgence in Chromanexus | World Anvil

Monster Resurgence

Throughout the realms, the will of Shuriig and the Dark Powers maligned with it have prompted a surge in cruel, foul monstrosities in places where peace had once prevailed, particularly in the difficult, hard to reach corners of the realms. The Gem Knights have been at the forefront of hunting down these anomolies and eradicating them before they establish any truly lingering threat.  
Note from Greater Voices: a failed or incomplete Monster Resurgence would be a great opportunity to return later with a Rift the Veil run, as the surviving monsters establish a rift and begin to summon reinforcements through it. Perhaps even a part of the infestation was overlooked. In either case, it's a good way to build up approvals while fleshing out a mini-campaign of your own!

Trouble's a Brewin'

Monster Resurgence missions primarily take place in unmarked locations or worlds either in Wildspace or Realmspace. That's not to say they can't happen in Domains it's just... not as common. In any case, that's not the important bit. In Monster Resurgence missions, you have pre-authorization to use pre-approved homebrew critters for your mission (in addition to normal creatures, which you're still welcome to use), to reflect the strange and unusual ways the Dark Powers are trying to assault the realms. The list of approved CDB options are linked below:   Be aware that many actions and abilities cannot be automated if used from a homebrew monster. You'll have to manually do the work in these cases.   Find a CDB you like and would like to see it on the list? As long as it's been published, create a blame-a-gan post with the Request tag and the link included in the description. A staff member will review the CDB and respond when able, adding it for use here if approved.  

I Ship It

As previously stated, most of these missions will occur in an unmarked location. Generally, this means Corridors won't be able to get your party to the location - your party will need to start from a known location, then traverse the realm to find and thwart the infestation. To support this endeavor, the Gem Knights supply parties with a Flying Fish Ship (crewed by gem dragonborn, kobolds, and Echoborn as needed) for travel, and the supplies to moor the ship if landing is necessary (note the ship itself can't land; it must be anchored while still flying). Follow the rules for vehicle based combat if it comes up.   Parties are welcome to bring their own spelljammers in place of the provided vessel.  

Special Rewards

While treasure generated for running a Monster Resurgence mission isn't changed, there are many interested powers that may observe a party's participation in said missions. Blessings for a job well done aren't expected, but not unheard of.


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