Path of the Eternal Throne

The story event tied to this path has not yet occured. To look on and await the knowledge of what is to come, look no farther than this very Tale.   Becoming a giant means foregoing anything you were before. When you join this path, you lose all traits from your original race other than Ability Score Improvements.

Rune of the World Maker

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)   The Ordning is a concept as old as the giants themselves. It's a complex social ranking system giants use to determine where they stand against other giants, from rank among their own kind and rank against other races of giants. Although you are Forged you are no exception to this rule, though you are closer in nature to Annam and his children than you are the castes of giantkind. You are not only able to move between the ranks of your kind, but the ranks of all giantkind as a result of your own efforts.   This is represented by the appearance of the Rune of the World Maker, a marking that appears on you after the Forging is complete. The rune itself has no common appearance, as even it is made up of other runes. These runes are your stories, your magic, and your power, worn on your skin like a tattoo unique to you and you alone. Their exact appearance is up to you - perhaps they are nothing more than abstract markings, or perhaps they are depictions of specific people, places, or things you have encountered or will encounter. Your imagination is the limit.   Your Rune of the World Maker grants the following Resonance properties:  
  • Creator (Giant). To walk amongst giants, you must become one. Your creature type is now Giant.
  • History (Ordning). To most giants, the Ordning prevails above all. It can be seen as a god-given heirarchy from Annam, or alternatively, it might simply be the longest lasting, most successful meritocracy to have ever been established by any society. In either case, it is well known that giants generally rank themselves in order from greatest to least: storm, cloud, fire, frost, stone, hill, and otherkin. All giants have an innate sense of the Ordning, and generally respect the hierarchy; some may reject it in one form or another. In either case, you innately know where you and other giants stand against one another, whether you respect this knowledge or not.
  • Minor Property (Language, Unbreakable). The tongue of the elder giants now sits upon your lips. You are fluent in both giant and primordial, and may speak a dialect that uses both languages and is equally understood by creatures who speak either language.
  • Quirk (Loud, Slothful). There is no one who has ever heard of a giant who did things quietly, let alone a giant who needed to hurry. Giants move through time as if they were perceiving it slowly, even those who are too stupid to take advantage of it. The sound of everything you do is thunderously amplified, and it takes ten hours for you to complete a long rest.
  In becoming a Forged, let alone a giant, the magic of reshaping you draws the runes of old into your soul, branding you with a glimpse of the powers that once helped shape creation. This manifests as tattoos on your skin, each unique to each giant, but they are all more or less the same - they are a mark of your connection to Annam and Annam's children. At your discretion, the tattoos may even resemble the runes associated with them. When using your power, your tattoos glow with octarine energy (this confers no mechanical benefit, but looks cool).  
  • Titanskin. When you choose this path, choose one of the following options. This trait cannot be changed after. The tattoo representing this trait covers your torso and two of your limbs.
    • Gain resistance to one damage type of your choice other than bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. As a reaction to taking the chosen damage type, you can become immune instead and regain hit points equal to the damage taken. Once you have used this reaction, you cannot do so again until the next dawn.
    • You gain an unarmored AC of 18 (after size AC reductions).
    • As a bonus action, you can become incorporeal until the end of your next turn. While incorporeal, you have resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, can't be grappled or restrained, and can move through creatures and solid objects as if they were difficult terrain. If you end your turn in a solid object, you are shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and you take 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet travelled.
    • You recover hit points equal to your Constitution modifier at the beginning of each of your turns as long as you have at least 1 hit point remaining. If you complete a long rest next to a detached or severed limb, it reattaches itself at the end of the rest.
  • Echo of Annam. When you choose this path, you may choose one of the following options. These choices are permanent, but do not otherwise count againt the maximum minor or major properties of your Echo. Whenever you gain a new lesser or greater rune, it binds itself as a tattoo on one of your limbs, your hands or feet, or your scalp.
    • Gain two Greater Runes.
    • Gain one Greater Rune and two Lesser Runes.
    • Gain four Lesser Runes.

Aspect of Annam

When you choose this path, you are granted the form of a proper giant. Refer to Character Size for more general rules on oversized characters.
  • Your size becomes Huge. You stand anywhere between 16 and 28 feet tall, and may weight anywhere between 5,000 and 8,000 pounds. Your appearance changes at your discretion, but is otherwise that of a giant humanoid with hints of nature and elemental features in your build.
  • You gain a giant's longevity, living as long as about 800 years.
  • Other giants know you have been touched by the will of Annam, though you are no more important nor influential to other giants as hill giants may be seen. You have advantage on Charisma checks made against Giants below you in the Ordning.
  • You gain proficiency in Athletics, and a tool or instrument of your choice. When your Ordning is equivalent or higher than a Fire Giant's, you gain expertise in both of these skills.
  • While Huge, you may use Large objects such as uprooted trees, doors, and vehicles as improvised weapons dealing 4d8 bludgeoning damage plus your Strength modifier on a successful hit, and are considered proficient with these attacks. Weapons improvised this way can hit a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus before they break and become unusable.
  • You gain the benefits of one of the following feats of your choice: ember of the fire giant, fury of the frost giant, guile of the cloud giant, keenness of the stone giant, soul of the storm giant, or vigor of the hill giant. The ability score increase you gain from this feat may exceed 20, and increases the maximum of that score by as much.
  You additionally gain the following traits:  


Once per turn, you may use this ranged attack action. You grab hold of a large bounder, debris, or similar Large object, and may use it as a thrown weapon with an effective range of 60 feet, and a maximum range of 240 feet. You are considered proficienct with this weapon. On a successful hit, the boudler deals 4d8 bludgeoning damage plus your Strength modifier. This damage increases to 4d10 at level 16, and again to 4d12 at level 20. If you target an object or structure with this attack and hit, it deals twice as much damage as normal.   If there aren't any rocks nearby, don't ask where they come from. The same place other giants magically procure their throwing rocks.  


As a reaction to taking damage, roll 2d8 + your Constitution modifier and reduce the damage by this much. If this reduces the damage to 0, the attack is considered a miss. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus before you must complete a short or a long rest.  


There is no giant ever born that has lacked an appreciation for craft, not even the famously stupid hill giants. Even they've got their own galleries of a sort. Your progress through the Ordning is dependent entirely on your greatest achievements in the arts and crafts, as detailed below.  
  • Hill Giant (-). You are unblooded in craft. At least anything of significance beyond the piles of trash you might consider art. Your Strength score becomes 21, and you gain the ability to eat most foods (including raw meat) without getting sick. You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned or contracting disease from eating bad food.
  • Stone (Common). Stone giants are known for finding beauty in simplicity, and so it is not the value of their work that determines its worth, but rather the aesthetics and artistry. You must have crafted a Common magic item worth 100 GP or more to ascend to this rank of the Ordning. Your Strength score becomes 23. You no longer need to sleep to complete a long rest, instead meditating in a state of dream-like reverie. You are aware of your surroundings in this state.
  • Frost (Uncommon). The frost giants of old were once some of the finest craftsmen, carving wondrous tools imbued with the blue ice that rimed their ancestral homes. You must have crafted an Uncommon magic item worth 500 GP or more for this rank. You gain the ability to travel comfortably in extreme weather conditions.
  • Fire (Rare). It is said the dwarves modeled their craft after the fire giants, which admittedly shows in their work. Their skill with iron and steel is unparalleled. You must have crafted a Rare magic item worth 5,000 GP or more for this rank. Your Strength score becomes 25. The damage of your Rock trait increases to 4d10, and you gain expertise in the Athletics skill and a tool or instrument you are proficient with.
  • Cloud (Very Rare). Whereas other giants worked with solid, tangible materials, the cloud giants were the first among those who knew the secret methods of shaping the air and sky to serve their needs. You must have crafted a Very Rare magic item worth 50,000 GP or more for this rank. Your Strength score becomes 27.
  • Storm (Legendary). Above it all, the lofty storm giants observe the realms sitting in thrones far removed from mortal affairs. They pluck the very stars from the heavens above, shaping them into the wondrous tools and artifacts that would come to shape and guide fate's path. You must have crafted a Legendary magic item worth 500,000 GP or more for this rank. Your Strength score becomes 29.


To abandon this path is to abandon Annam and his children. You can do this at any time, but you will forever draw the enmity of other Giants, even if you later return to this path.  




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