Path of the Legion

Among the many legends that emerge from Chromatia, one of those is living weapon Captain Armory and his Armored Brigade. It is a legendary army composed of mechanical soldiers, each connected seamlessly by magic and technology to one another in a staggering display of tactical superiority. Their weapons are marvels of destruction, firearms laced with complex mathematical arcanas capable of near single-handedly eviscerating the arms and technology of other armies.   It is this staunch solidarity that makes the Armored Brigade and its legions such a unanimously respected and feared organization. They bow to no force but thorough victory and their chain of command, and will stop at nothing to complete their mission of protecting the common good from the throes of evil.   At the crux of their military might is the artifice marvel of Ordnance, a device manufactured by the legendary Mithren himself in the bowels of Fort Stonehaven's high forge. It was a regenerative firearm capable of self-improvement over time, first designed for and wielded by Armory. Since its recovery, it has stayed true to its design - Ordnance's magic has permitted to adapt in numerous unexpected ways with each passing generation, including but not limited to "dividing" itself into smaller iterations to... well, arm an army.   Those strong enough to pursue a path may seek out Captain Armory in Wildspace (or a local resource officer) and take hold of Ordnance and undergoing rigorous training until you and Ordnance are quite literally as one. Once completed, this bond demands one of your attunement slots to finalize your duty as a soldier, and supply Ordnance with sufficient energy to perform its role as your weapon.  

Ordnance Gen VII (Echo)

Weapon (Firearm), legendary (requires attunement) The Generation VII Ordnance system is a far improvement over previous generations, which largely only saw effective use in long range or marksman configurations. Iterations since have seen Ordnance now capable of augmenting its wearer's body with armor and internal life support systems and establish the army-wide Ordnance Network Intelligence (ONI).   As with other Echoes, Ordnance acts as a spellcasting focus. If you are able to cast spells, you may use Ordnance as a source of the spell casting, including firing the spell in marked canisters or other mechanical methods. This is purely aesthetic, and does not otherwise change the mechanics of the spell.   Ordnance has the following Stored Echo properties:  
  • Creator (Construct). Joining the Armored Legion means wielding Ordnance, which integrates itself with the wielder fully and completely in order to work to full effect. While you retain any organic elements beneath your new armor, your creature type is now Construct.
  • History (Heroic). The Armored Brigade is well known and easily recognized thanks in no small part to Ordnance. People expect great things from you, and may even approach you in the street for help and assistance.
  • Minor Property (Guardian, Unbreakable). Ordnance doesn't work if it doesn't have someone to wield it, and so it gives its wielder every advantage it can in combat. You gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks while attuned to Ordnance. As Ordnance is fully integrated with you, it cannot be removed willingly while you are conscious, and doing so without a wish, divine intervention, or completing the Release of Service ritual results in your character's death.
  • Quirk (Loud). Throughout its many generations, Ordnance has done nothing to lower or diminish its volume. Attacks made with Ordnance can be heard clearly up to 300 feet away.
Ordnance has the following Tuned properties:  
  • Core Augment (Armor or Weapon). You gain a +4 bonus to the chosen category.
  • Firearm. Choose a hunting rifle, automatic rifle, or grenade launcher (Market Catalogue). This determines your Call Sign. The chosen firearm has the following modified properties:
    - The weapon's ammunition is replaced with an energy cell, which produces magical rounds instead of normal ammunition. An energy cell doesn't need to be replaced when reloading the weapon but is instead "recharged" when taking the Reload action.
    - Piercing damage become radiant damage instead.
    - A grenade launcher's ammunition type can be changed as an action on your turn.
    - The weapon requires no hands to wield or use. It is instead shoulder-mounted and considered a part of your character's body, meaning it cannot be removed or disarmed by any means while you are conscious.
  • ONI Uplink. Ordnance additionally functions as a professor orb, with an Intelligence of 18, Wisdom of 18, and Charisma of 10. The orb has the following additional notes:
    - Ordnance speaks exclusively through telepathy with its wielder.
    - Ordnance can speak, read, and understand Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, and Primordial.
    - Ordnance generally will not speak unless spoken to, except when to deliver news or intelligence from ONI or other members of the Brigade.
    - Ordnance has extensive knowledge of military history, tactics, field medicine, and siege warfare.
    - Instead of mage hand, Ordnance knows spare the dying, which it can only use on its wielder.
  • Spacehulk. Ordnance additionally functions as a fish suit and a suit of mizzium plate armor. These items are melded with you as augmentations to your body, and are among the reasons you are now considered a Construct instead of whatever you were before. They have the added benefit of making you uniform with other members of the Brigade.
  • Base Jumpers. Ordnance additionally functions as boots of striding and springing, as well as a set of crampons, preventing you from falling prone when moving across slippery ice.
  Rather than the normal minor and major artifact properties an Echo grants, the Path of the Legion uses Minor and Major modifications. You may choose a single Minor Modification for free when you first join this path. Obtaining new modifications is done just like any other Echo (using Pure Chromatite).  

The Perfect Soldier

There is no organization more renowned for their marksmanship than the Armored Brigade, thanks in no small part to their extensive training regimes and the potent enchantments Ordnance weaves into its wielders.   While attuned to Ordnance, you are considered proficient with heavy armor and firearms. Additionally, you gain the following benefits:
  • Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature does not impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.
  • Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls.
  • Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
  • Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage.


You are given a designation - known as a 'callsign' - based on the type of Ordnance weapon you wield. Each callsign has a unique action they may take. The callsigns are recon (hunting rifle), cavalry (automatic rifle), or grenadier (grenade launcher). This action can be used a number of times each day equal to half your proficiency bonus (minimum 1), regaining use of the ability after a long rest.   Recon (Snipe). As an action on your turn, choose a creature you can see within Ordnance's maximum range. The creature is critically hit and takes the maximum possible damage from the attack. After using this attack, your movement is doubled until the start of your next turn, and you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving.   Cavalry (Forward March). For the next minute, your walking speed is increased by 30 feet. In addition, you can use a bonus action to take the Dash or Disengage action. For the duration, you ignore difficult terrain, and your weapon ignores the reload property for the duration.   Grenadier (Siege Mode). As a bonus action on your turn, your Ordnance reconfigures into a formidable siege weapon for 1 minute. For the duration, you gain the following properties:  
  • Your movement is reduced to 0. This is represented as your character anchoring themselves to the ground or, if underwater or in an environment without gravity, using arcane stabilizers to counteract movements and recoil.
  • Your armor class increases by 2.
  • You are unable to take actions on your turn except to make an Attack or exit siege mode.
  • Your Ordnance weapon's attack is replaced with Heavy Ordnance, a ranged attack with a maximum range of 2,400 feet and dealing 8d10 thunder damage to the target. This damage is doubled against objects and structures. If the attack misses, it continues to travel until it reaches its maximum range or impacts something else, whichever happens first. On impact, creatures, objects, and structures within 10 feet of the impact site take half the damage rolled. If this attack hits Large or smaller creature, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


Minor Modifications
  Major Modifications


Service to the Armored Brigade is generally viewed as a life long thing. However, not everyone wishes to pursue the career into their grave, and sometimes people need removed from the army dishonorably for some stupid fucking thing they did.   Whatever the case, Ordnance breaks attunement with you, sprouts wings, and flies away... okay, but really, it does break attunement and go inert, alerting the nearest member of the Brigade (if not already present) to retrieve Ordnance from you.   Should you change your mind again later and wish to rejoin the path, it'll really depend on the circumstances you left for previously.


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