
The art of inscribing magic into a spellbook (or an item that functions as a spellbook), more formally called scrivening, is a commonplace practice among spellcasters who have gained access to The Breach and the Hall of Concordance. While most folks have to find spell scrolls or other mages that know the spell, all known magic can be found in and around the infinite eaves of the Hall.   The Hall seems to have a few restrictions, however. There's some mysticism as to how or why these things seem to remain true despite everyone's best efforts to try otherwise, but at the end of the day, these rules have been immutable.  
  • Transcribing a spell follows the same limitations as laid out by your class's spellcasting rules (or whatever other source you got a spellbook from, like the Ritual Caster feat). If your feature doesn't explicitly specify a gold value related to the transcription process, the pricing is based on the value of the equivalent spell scroll (see Market Catalogue).
  • In order to find a spell for scrivening, they must be on your character's class's spell list, and your character's level must be at least twice the spell level you wish to transcribe. Thus, a level 10 character can only scriven spells up to 5th level. Spells beyond your means (whether because they're on another class's list or beyond your level) can only be found through Research and even then, only as their most general descriptions.
  • 9th level magic simply doesn't appear to scriveners in any meaningful capacity. Like other magic, you may be able to find general information through research, but there seems to be an expectation that you need to find your own scroll to scriven 9th level magic to your spell book.
Log your scrivening efforts and expenses in the Hall of Concordance (Scrivening) forum located in the Bazaar.


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