The Hunter's Dream

"I am home."   -Eirvakri, the Rider Death
  Twilight colors bleed across the open sky above and a colorful aurora weaves in and out of existence in a soothing dance. A blanket of white snow covers the ground at the feet of passerbys and sturdy fir trees tower above them all around. The trees start off small around the open area surrounding the Algar family home but gradually grow and grow, some of them intimidating behemoths in the background; far larger than their counterparts in the Material Realm can ever hope to get.   Set into the clearing is a two story cabin reminiscent of Scandinavian design: triangular shape bearing a thatched, snow covered roof, one side longer than the other to touch down against the ground with the other coming only about halfway down. The front hosts a cute balcony above the single door entrance with one window to its side. The home itself is surrounded by a low, stone wall to mark the property line.   The key to gain entrance to the cabin is a simple one, crafted from some metal other than iron. It fits easily into the lock and, with a but twist, followed by a heavy 'click', the door may be nudged open. Of course, there are people few and far between who would have such a key to this cabin.   Within is an open room with long dinging table, a neatly organized kitchen with wood cabinets, a fire pit sunk into the ground with a heavy cauldron and railings set about it--the roof above designed to trail the smoke out of the room without disrupting upstairs. Fur rugs are set out. Comfortable couches are set around the sunken fire pit with heavy, cozy fur pelt blankets draped over their backs. Stairs lead up to rooms above. Along the walls are various decorations done up by the late Sygny and Freyr Algar with the newest addition having been added by the new owner of the home, their sole child, Eir: a portrait hung up in memorial, that their memory might live on even at home.   Upstairs is as neat and orderly as below with a furnished landing and a few doors that lead off to separate bedrooms. The master bedroom leads out to the balcony seen from outside the home.   Out the back of the cabin, down a set of worn, stone stairs, a little garden path, stones visible through the light snow over the ground, leads past the clearing into the wooded area around the home and, not far after, to a natural hot spring— large enough to accommodate a handful of people comfortably.   Further out from the cabin, though well within walking distance, is a friendly hamlet that has long been under the protection of the Algar family.
Lodge, Cabin
Parent Location


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