Dockside Detective Details
Plot points/Scenes
If the Party chooses to look into things, even briefly, before speaking to Magister Garlayne Druettis, then the Dockwatch will be shot while talking with the Party with the shooter ducking into the warehouse. If the Party doesn't give immediate chase, they will be found standing over the body. Questioning leads to a deal (bring in the killer and your names are cleared) delays tracking until morning which continues as if a morning start. If chase ensues, quarry moves quickly but carefully through tunnels, knowing where traps lie. Traps slow the Party and overconfident quarry meets with Mercenaries at Jensen Falls cave.
Morning Start:Body of Dockwatch discovered leading to investigation of the Warehouse District of Fairwater. Hidden trapdoor located within one of the warehouses leading to the tunnels of Darkwater. Trapped tunnels lead to Jensen Falls cave where the Mercenaries are meeting with a Mysterious Figure.
Either Starting Time:Mysterious Figure tells Mercenaries that Wuornos Druettis believes that the Mysterious Figure has kidnapped his child and that Lysel should be arriving in town shortly (implying that Lysel should be grabbed).
Wuornos Druettis arrives with a small package and demanding the release of their child. Four Mercenaries grab Wuornos Druettis and drag them off behind the Mysterious Figure while the remainder fight the Party until the Party flees or the Mercenaries are dead.
If the party gives chase after Wuornos Druettis and the Mysterious Figure, a cave in kills the rearmost Mercenary (or two) forcing the Party to the surface to report in and find a way around. On their way, they encounter Lysel and will be escorted by Shotan Ood to see Magister Garlayne Druettis if they don't head there directly. This leads to the offer of the Dreadful Disturbances quest or the Minted Mischief or Where's Wuornos quest lines.Themes
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