Missing Magister-to-be Details
Plot points/Scenes
Just south of the Bladewing Trail stands a large manor house along with a second, smaller building that is either a guest house or bunk house and a small stable off to one side. The property is quiet and even a cursory investigation shows that no one has been along the path in quite some time.
The buildings are both quiet, dark, and empty. The cooler interiors, darkened windows, and layer of dust show that no one has been here since longer than Wuornos Druettis has been gone.
Closer inspection reveals that something has been torn from the wall, leaving a piece of the left corner with -nsen above -lls and a cartographer's marks for a cliffside and stream. If investigated further, a secret trapdoor leads directly into Darkwater between the Fairwater Cemetery crypt tunnels and the Jensen Falls cave.
If the Players head toward the Fairwater Cemetery, move to Dreadful Disturbances
If the Players head toward the Jensen Falls cave, continue from here:
The tunnels lead to the Jensen Falls cave and the Mercenary encampment where the Mercenaries are meeting with a Mysterious Figure.
Mysterious Figure tells Mercenaries that Wuornos Druettis believes that the Mysterious Figure has kidnapped his child and that Lysel should be arriving in town shortly (implying that Lysel should be grabbed).
Wuornos Druettis arrives with a small package and demanding the release of their child. Four Mercenaries grab Wuornos Druettis and drag them off behind the Mysterious Figure while the remainder fight the Party until the Party flees or the Mercenaries are dead.
If the party gives chase after Wuornos Druettis and the Mysterious Figure, a cave in kills the rearmost Mercenary (or two) forcing the Party to the surface to report in and find a way around. On their way, they encounter Lysel and will be escorted by Shotan Ood to see Magister Garlayne Druettis if they don't head there directly. This leads to the offer of the Dreadful Disturbances quest or the Minted Mischief or Where's Wuornos? quest lines.
If the Party leaves the abandoned Druettis Lodge and chooses to return to Fairwater to report in and possibly receive further information or instruction, jump straight to this point:
On their way, they encounter Lysel and will be escorted by Shotan Ood to see Magister Garlayne Druettis if they don't head there directly.
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