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Dunmaer Plateau

The Dumaer Plateau is a large geological area in central Omath, situated between the Wyrmsmoke Mountains to the west and the Dunmaer Mountains in the east, the Expanse of Ice to the north, and the Kingdom of Falcrest to the south.


The Dunmaer Plateau refers to a geographical area in central Omath that resulted from the uplifting of the region due to The Dunmaer Quake. The Dunmaer Plateau is a mountainous region that drops into plains in the central and southern regions. The region has a continental climate with harsh winters in the northwestern highlands and hot summers in the southern plains. Access to the Southern Ocean is extremely limited, with the only ports available in the province of Semir. Coastal access to the north is largely prohibited, as the coast is comprised of granite cliffs hundreds of feet above sea level. Omath's highest point is located on the Dunmaer Plateau: Mount Taraha, at 24,850 feet above sea level.   Despite having numerous rivers and lakes, large swaths of the region is dry. The highlands receive snow throughout the winter, and melting snow in the spring season enters the rivers, lakes, and streams. Much of the region's water flows into the neighboring regions of Falcrest and Fieren.


Despite having numerous rivers and lakes, large swaths of the region is dry. The highlands receive snow throughout the winter, and melting snow in the spring season enters the rivers, lakes, and streams. Much of the region's water flows into the neighboring regions of Falcrest and Fieren.

Localized Phenomena

The northwestern Korakirin Mountains, in and around the Haladra province, is in a geologically active area where earthquakes occur multiple times throughout the year. Despite their severity, causing landslides in some parts or avalanches during the winter, they are not particularly deadly due to the sparse population.

Fauna & Flora

There are over 3,000 plant species, including hundreds of varieties of trees, shrubs, vines, flowers, and fungi. The country is particularly rich in such medicinal plants as rue, wormwood, and asafetida; fruit and nut trees are found in many areas. Native fauna includes the fox, lynx, wild dog, bear, mongoose, shrew, hedgehog, hyena, jerboa, hare, and wild varieties of cats, asses, mountain goats, and mountain sheep. Trout is the most common fish. There are more than 100 species of wildfowl and birds.

Natural Resources

The region's resources include various types of stone, precious metals such as gold, silver, and iron in the central region of Fanfarat, precious and semi-precious stones, including emeralds, azure, and lapis lazuli, in the central plains. The country also has rare coal deposits, the largest of which is found in Mount Taraha.
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