Human (Hyoo-muhn)
Humans are the most prevalent of the "civilized" races in Solia. They are found in nearly every region and climate and have adapted into numerous and diverse ethnic groups. Humans excel in many areas but have no specialization like the other races.
Basic Information
The physical characteristics of humans are as varied as the world’s climes. From the dark-skinned tribesmen of the southern continents to the pale and barbaric raiders of the northern lands, humans possess a wide variety of skin colors, body types, and facial features. Generally speaking, humans’ skin color assumes a darker hue the closer to the equator they live. At the same time, bone structure, hair color and texture, eye color, and a host of facial and bodily phenotypic characteristics vary immensely from one locale to another. Cheekbones may be high or broad, noses aquiline or flat, and lips full or thin; eyes range wildly in hue, some deep-set in their sockets, and others with full epicanthic folds. Appearance is hardly random, of course, and familial, tribal, or national commonalities often allow the knowledgeable to identify a human’s place of origin on sight, or at least to hazard a good guess. Humans’ origins are also indicated through their traditional styles of bodily decoration, not only in the clothing or jewelry worn, but also in elaborate hairstyles, piercing, tattooing, and even scarification.
Civilization and Culture
Scientific Name
Reference Race: Human
80-100 Years
Average Height
4'9" to 6'11" (1.5 to 2,1 meters)
Average Weight
100 lbs to 300 lbs (45.3 kg to 136 kg)
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