The Beast Clan Alliance
The Beast Clan Alliance was formed to stand against the Presari's Empires expansion and aggression. This alliance has remained strong after the last war. Even as the races that make it up bicker amongst themselves. Luckily those in charge of the alliance have stronger heads.
The Council, The Generals, The Commanders, The Lieutenants.
Public Agenda
A united alliance against the forces of the empire.
Massive supplies of equipment and fortifications along the borders of the alliance.
The Alliance started right after the first attacks of the empire on settlements set up by the different beast races. With so many dead from this, the races had to take action against the bloodlust of the empire. So they formed their alliance with the distinct goal of stopping the empire from overtaking them.
Now the alliance continues on as a potential deterrent to the empire and foreign threats.
Technological Level
Medieval technology based on war mixed in with some knowledge on the use of ancient technology,
Alliance, Generic
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Gold coin.
Legislative Body
The Council made up of leaders or representatives from the races apart of it.
Judicial Body
The Sin Hunters