Firefinger Building / Landmark in Chult | World Anvil
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During the prosperous years of Chultan civilization, Firefinger was used to communication from one settlement to another. Colored flames were lit at night and colored smoke was created during the day.   The tower stands 300 feet (91.4 meters) tall.   MISSION - Azaka Stormfang wishes to travel here to retrieve a family heirloom in the form of a tribal mask.   Firefinger has some type of enchantment upon it that negates flight (how do the petrafolk negate this effect?) The tower has not be looked after, there is foliage and trees getting close to the tower itself.   Firefinger is likely a volcanic extrusion, which has then been repurposed to be a tower. The sides of the tower are sheer, with a few natural pertrusions


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