Chult Day 35 - Nephyr is alive! (just)
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Day 35 - Nephyr is alive! (just)


Main Events
• Bjorn Senses a Red Dragon While Flying • The Guardians Contact Nephyr.. He isn’t well • The Guardians Prepare to Attack in the Night

Awake the next day, warm and clear. Something tugs at Bjorn Lovehammer (imperceptible) he feels inclined to look in a South Westerly direction. The only thing he sees is a bird. Kailyn Tharamor realises it’s hundreds of miles away but appears like a small bird which means it’s about 150ft long. It shimmers blood red. Kailyn Tharamor asks Azaka Stormfang if it’s the direction of Wyrmheart Mine which it is. Seems like as a Dragonborn (who is copper) Bjorn Lovehammer sensed the evil of a red dragon. (naturally you’d assume that the dragon senses Bjorn Lovehammer to some degree). In that direction you can also see the The Aldani Basin. It’s a huge area where the forest disappears. Can’t see in it but you can tell the area. One thing catches our eye. A large oblongish piece of rock hovering in the air, roughly the size of a block of flats. Around tree height. Kailyn Tharamor takes out the gem from Wakanga, nothing. He keeps it in hand as we set off to Firefinger. Fly over the River Tiryki. As night falls we approach Firefinger, a massive column of stone.   We get to within one mile and Yesne Brightstar casts send message.   Nephyr it’s Yesne . Are you alive? We are at Firefinger, are you there? Where exactly? Reply in 25 words. Love you   Nephyr Replies : I am here. Not sure how long. Don’t risk it. I’m at the very top   As the sun sets we see Firefinger Petrfolk leaving the tower and start circling.   Kailyn Tharamor jabs Bjorn Lovehammer with syringe – Bjorn Lovehammer gets 6 temp hit points and advantage on con checks   As we start towards the tower, flames appears out of it. Within 800 metres, difficult to stay up. 600 metres, almost drop and lose flight. Realise we need to land. As we approach the tower on the ground is a crumpled heap of an Elf and an Arracocra – clear that they had been dropped from a great height. Yesne Brightstar also realises that Nephyr is definitely not well.