Chult Day 35 - Azzaka is a ...........
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Day 35 - Azzaka is a ...........

21/6 2:00

Main Events
• The party make it up to the next level 240ft above ground • We kill a group of elders - and discover historical 'cave paintings' depicting the lost village talked about by Zitembe and others, the source of the death curse. Could Dendar be the Soul Monger?A powerful wizard attacks us • We climb to the very top of the tower and Azaka Stormfang finds her mask and transforms into a TIGER! • Kailyn and Fang find Nephyr and also the person casting powerful magic,Hezmakarl Kailyn makes a bargain with him that he can leave and we will tell everyone he is dead

We all retreat back to the cave and tie ourselves together. We proceed to leave the cave. As Fang begins a big buffet of wind hits her from behind, she begins to fall however, due to being tied to Kailyn she is able to maintain balance. We all make it round to the ladder and begin to climb. Whilst climbing, Kailyn breaks some of the ladder and when Azaka (who is last) reaches and climbs she breaks some more and the ladder begins to strain under the weight and damage. They all successfully make it up to the next ledge. The next ladder takes us to 240ft off the ground.   We see a source of light ahead (a fire). Fang goes to investigate. In a cave, she sees a campfire and four Firefinger Petrafolk crouched around it. They look old. Kailyn throws a magical bead into the cave causing a fire ball. Three of the Petrafolk are immediately killed. Fang, shoots the remaining Petrafolk and takes him out. From the cavemouth Azzaka suddenly shouts ‘Incoming’. There are 3 Petrafolk at the cavemouth. Yesne throws acid at two of them, Bjorn kills the third with a single blow. From behind Yesne and Fang a massive blast of magical ice hits them. Yesne is frozen into a block of ice. Kailyn saves her from dying. Azaka kills the last two Petrafolk. Yesne asks Elonast for help in her head, she brings a branch of fire and drops it at my feet then lands on my head. The magic source then casts sleep and both Yesne and Fang fall asleep instantaneously. Bjorn goes to kick Fang awake. Bjorn goes towards the casting and finds another chimney, he sees smoke going upwards (Fang realises this is not natural as the wind is blowing in the opposite direction). Fang gets another stick of fire and Bjorn breath weapons Yesne to ‘thaw’ her. Kailyn investigates the cave of the elders. He realises the walls are a lot smoother in here than any other rooms we’ve seen. Almost like its been carved out. Kailyn wipes some of the soot off the wall which is the least damaged. There is an eye painted on. Then wipes some from the most densely covered part of the wall – lots of symbols but couldn’t really tell (circles with lines either side etc.). Then some from the middle part of a larger image, rectangles and squares. Fang goes to help with some damp moss. Together, they clean off a vast majority of the soot off the wall.   These are the histories of chult (The History Of Chult):   Together the party realises it is a map that they are looking at. It’s a view from above (as the Petrafolk would see). It’s a city that is growing. Something from The Great Ubato - has rays of light shining at it. Depicting how a city grew and is showing war. Wonder if it’s the Aldani BasinAzaka say that is 100s of miles wide, a city would never ‘fill’ this. The Aldani Basin is a region. A sunken city, it has a waterfall.   Further along the city is covered in splatters of red. Appears the city is in war. Some sort of rebellion from inside the city.   Further along, the rectangles (buildings) have become rough – maybe crumbling? Around the edge of the basin are strange depictions of ‘creatures’. Count 9 things coming from the jungles with ‘wisps’ around. Can see that there is Le'Jin, a snake – they are the trickster gods. Bjorn touches the snake and has a tingly feeling – Moa. A Human Frog, a A Grung, A Great Ape, A Monkey, A Crane, A Snail and A Kamadan. There are 9 alignments.   Snake like people are known to Azaka - an ancient people.   Next picture – seems to change and be more detailed. Buildings are different, different levels, seem to be weapons. Seems to be an event. There are 9 of them – perhaps related to each of the The Tricksters. Realise that this is not a ‘happy’ place since The Great Ubatos absence. Yesne not sure they are actual ‘gods’ more that the absence of the god Ubato has allowed them to be present. Some of them have blood depicted on the ‘houses/temples’ (maybe around 3 or 4).   Next picture – appears to jump forwards in time, age of paint is a lot newer. The Great Ubato has now gone – no maze symbol anymore. Different symbols have appeared, their rays of light shine less bright than Ubatos. The city still has the The Tricksters (they don’t go beyond the city). Other lights are shining around the city and outside of – Fang recognises these as the other gods (such as Helm,Tymora, Ghond & Sune).   Next picture – one of the most bizarre, also of the city again. In purple and black paint (first time we see purple) a humanoid with a screaming skull and a crown (Acererak??). Painted next to a crack in the wall itself – almost as if it’s come through the crack. Depicted descending into the city. Takes a while but together we conclude this thing slays all the trickster gods and drags them down underneath the city. Can see the inhabitants of the city go underground and create a multiple layered ‘maze’   Next picture – the city has no inhabitants whatsoever.   Penultimate image of the purple crowned humanoid (Acererak??) moving back to another crack in the rock itself.   Then last image – the abandoned city and over the sides of the cliffs – snakes pouring into the city. This could be when DenDar appeared – is DenDar the Soul Monger??   Yesne Brightstar, recalls the true primordial (often non humanoid) would never dirty themselves as being portrayed as anything other than what they are. So doesn’t believe she is what is being depicted.   We continue, the ceiling is around 10ft up and the chimney is very similar to the last, around 50ft of climbing. Fang peeps out at the top. We are in open air again. A crumbling, stone tower rises around 30ft above us in the northern corner. She feels the wind whipping around. There is a doorway at the foot of the tower, a battered and rotting door lies ajar. Fang moves towards the door and listens and hears an odd breathing. Azaka attempts to kick the door in but misses. Behind the door appears a Petrafolk holding a barbed like spear and a smouldering bright red torch which she flings out of the door. The whole platform sets alight. Azaka yells ‘My mask’. The Petrafolk is wearing a wooden mask around its neck in the shape of a Tiger. Azaka takes a lot of damage from the Petrafolk and is knocked unconscious. Kailyn revives her with a bullet, she gets up with a roar and transforms into an 8ft tall a Were Tiger and attacks. Once all enemies dispatched, Azaka (Still a Tiger) turns on Fang. We managed to get the Tiger Mask on Azaka and she instantly changes back to herself, she rolls on her back crying. Yesne runs over and cuddles her. The Guardians of the Gate sucessfully retrieved Azaka's, completing her request Azaka's Family Mask.   Fang and Kailyn go into the tower. There is a barred door and a ladder going upwards. Kailyn says ‘Nephyr, you better be alive’. We can’t get through the door (heavy, reinforced iron etc.) so decide to scale the ladder. Bjorn heads straight up the ladder. Opens the door and it’s a trap.   We enter a very bizarre room. It has rich tapestry like carpets, drapes etc. It screams opulence. It’s science, magic, study. There is a bed with a feather mattress (unheard of), various desks with intricate things on top. Well carved furniture. One window which is fully open. The keys are on the table – trapped. Kailyn manages to retrieve the keys by swinging a torn drape at them. He heads down to the door, unlocks it and smells death. There are 4 cages (all locked) by. Nephyr is at the end cage, they go in and revive him. Kailyn opens the second door – a humanoid lady rolls over. Black braids on one side of her head, the other shaved. Is wearing robes of blue. She is identical to the woman Kailyn found the ring on lower down the tower. She asks Kailyn to stay and grips his arm. Out comes a voice ‘I don’t believe you’. Kailyn says ‘I’ve already seen this person dead, at least show me your real face’. The elf in front of Kailyn changes into an incredibly muscular, blueish veined but white textured large humanoid creature, with opulent clothing. He has deep pupil less moss green eyes.   A bargain, Hez M’khal is dead (this is him). He will leave – but tell the trio he is dead. Do not try and find him. Kailyn shakes his hand and he disappears in a cloud of fog.

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