Chult Day 25 - Confront the Blaze
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Day 25 - Confront the Blaze


Main Events
• The Guardians of the Gate Rest at Fort BeluarianThe Guardians of the Gate Confront Blaze Portyr • The Guardians of the Gate are Paid for Their Exploits • The Undead Rainbow Immolators Are BornKailyn Tharamor Gets an Undead Candle

Have a great nights sleep, exhaustion all gone. Told we can see Blaze, Bjorn Lovehammer pretends to fall over and hurt his knee. Yesne Brightstar believes him and helps. Meanwhile Fang and Kailyn Tharamor run off to the Blaze without us. I help Bjorn Lovehammer to the Temple of Helm. Spoke with the Blaze in the morning to claim rewards and report on the frost giants.   Blaze is thankful for returning some of her men and also Shago. Kailyn Tharamor and Fang try to convince her that it was Giants. As we have the dragon hide sliver and the guards have seen the boat we left at the pier she believes that it is true.   She gives 140gp for the 7 ghoul heads and gives us a charter for 3 months. Says there is no charge for any items we found as we ‘didn’t find anything’ according to the Blaze's.   Then went to speak with Shago to see if he could be pursuaded to help in revealing the connection between the Blaze and the pirates, which he was unwilling to do. Instead agreed to form the Undead Rainbow Immolators (Shago, Dubrain, Lee Bruce, Gail Brower). They would generate wealth for the fort, while also pushing back the undead and reclaiming the land of Chult from undead.   Confronted the Blaze. After dangerous discussions, an agreement seemed to have been reached. The party would look for an exchange point at the end of the longest pier in the harbour of Port Nyanzaru.   They were ordered to leave straight away but managed to negotiate one additional day so Kailyn Tharamor could complete the creation of the undead torch.

Related Location
Fort Beluarian
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