Chult Day 23 - East landing of Fort Beluarian (Jungle day 12)
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Day 23 - East landing of Fort Beluarian (Jungle day 12)


Main Events
• The Guardians of the Gate Berth at The Hidden Dock • The Guardians of the Gate Recuperate at The Camaden’s HeadsQawasha Apologies to Yesne BrightstarYesne Brightstar Gains Dimension DoorYesne Brightstar Reads Some Smut

We are beginning to struggle for food / water. Find the land with the passage that is carved to Fort Beluarian. Make it eventually to the fort along the passage Shago told us about. Meet other Flaming Fist who check our writ. Meet a trainee Wizard (the one Yesne Brightstar fought at the beginning). Make it to the Fort Beluarian, Kailyn Tharamor and Fang go and find the Blaze Portyr, as it’s night they say no but see the castillian and tell her about the giants etc. and she says she’ll come find them in The Camaden’s Heads   Yesne Brightstar asks where Qawasha is and told he’s at the Camaden’s Heads, run in and hug him. He got me a scroll of Dimension Door. Can use it once direct from scroll and still have it to copy in to a book afterwards. Yesne Brightstar is overcome with emotion and exhaustion.   Asks bar lady Jewel Zil'Barret for a bath. She runs it and gives me the book she was reading last time (exotic!) ‘The Chultan Mans Python’.

Related Location
Fort Beluarian
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