The Hags of Chult Plot in Chult | World Anvil
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The Hags of Chult

The Guardians of the Gate have found increasing amounts of evidence to suggest a coven of hags is working within the jungle of chult.
  Their goals are unknown, but seem to be nefarious in nature. It might be wise to continue investigating and put a stop to any plans that could endanger denizens of chult.
  Letters discovered by the Guardians of the Gate suggested there are three members, making this a cabal of sorts, the names are which are:
    • Widow Groat
    • Peggy Deadbells
    • Baggy Nanna
From the letters widow groat and peggy deadbells write with a legible hang, but the script from baggy nanna is erratic at best and changes between three distinct styles within a single missive.
  It appears that Hezmakarl was working for these three hags and part of the bargin struck with Kailyn was to inform the hags of his death, rather than his escape. 
  Discussions with Nanny Pu'pu revealed that she was denied access to this cabal/coven of hags...suggesting a difference in their priorities within chult. Nanny Pu'pu suggested the hags have knowledge of the Soul Monger, backed up perhaps by one of the letters within which was wrote:
  "Tt has begun it feeds, be vigilant of adventurers who have become attracted by the activity."
  The others letters taken from Firefinger discussed the following:
  "Several criticisms of quality reports and frequency with threats, don’t make us come up to see you. One very aggressively written, resolve that meddling idiot of a red crested arracocra"
  "The red thayans are pushing south – send out your winged lizards and see if more of them are arriving."
  "The information on Harnt proved useful in locating the interfering Bronn. Located at the pathetic human settlement, is scaling the cliffs to look for weakling"
  Most of the other scribblings seem to be bickering, criticising and bragging of their superiority. 
  Does "the weakling" perhaps refer to Nanny Pu'pu ??
  Coven consists of 3 night hags who are linked to the death curse in some way.


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