The History Of Chult Myth in Chult | World Anvil
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The History Of Chult

Found drawn and etched into the walls of Firefinger by ancient ancestors of the tribe.    The History Of Chult (Expanded)   Once the rays of ubatoas light dissappear, the next image is it splattered in red throughout the city ... without the divine magic, the city fell into civil war killing each other. The slaves revolted and killed their captures, leaving the city. The city fell into ruins, and strange creatures appeared.... the trickster gods came out of the forest. (A humanoid frog (Grung), a monkey or Ape , a second monkey or ape *small and stocky*, a large crane, a snail with multiple tentacles, and a camaden, one really large fat frog like squat creature with a bunch of eyes, rabbit with home).   Mezro was linked with the Snake people. The Yuan-Ti have been linked to down south, (maybe the yuan-ti had the city of snakes). some buildings have been drawn in greater details, weapons in walls, obstacles, nine temples. One for each of the tricksters. These are trials or event, but this doesn't seem a horrible thing and are only there because ubato is absent. The little on the trickster gods, it would appear that the trickster gods are very self contained or is it more like a micro-climate. They are not actual gods, but they are still creatures of great power and have filled the void that the loss of ubato left. Of the nine, 1/3rd have blood, possible up to half.   The story jumps forward and the maze symbol that depicts ubato is none completely gone (not longer shown), and small symbols appear and shine onto the villages but with lesser lights. But the main city is still there, but ruined and still holds the trickster gods....but the light doesn't seem to be coming from them. The tricksters don't go beyond the ruined city. ....some of the night lights touch singular villages while overs touch many. There are symbols of Savras, Ghond, Tamora and Sune   Penultimate depiction - Shows the ruined city again, and in purples and black and shows a humanoid with a screaming skull with a crown. This shown next to a crack in the wall, with it almost looking like the picture has come out of the crack. Shown decencding into the city and we only conclude that this purpled robed being slayed all of the trickster gods and drags them down under the city. and then people who were in the city worshipping, they were dragged down with their former gods and they buillt some giant maze like those of the tricksters but on a grander and more horrible and dangerous. Then the city had nbo people inside of it, the purple robed person moves back to another crack in the wall .... as if they have left this world again.   The final image is the abandoned city, and over the side of teh cliffs are snakes pouring into the city.


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