Chult The History Of Chult (Expanded) Timeline
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The History Of Chult (Expanded)

The History of Chult as Described by the Terrafolk of the Firefinger Clan

The Birth of Chult

... 7

  • 1

    Chultan Subjugation
    Population Migration / Travel

    The First City Of Chult, Omu, Grew Strong Under The Blessing Of The Great Ubato,The City Grew And Prospered. Omu Was The Jewel Of Chult, Built Upon Rich Mineral Veins, Wealth Flowed Into The City And the Merchants Grew Fat With Wealth And Greed Living Within A Virtual Paradise.   As The City Grew, Its Influence Stretched Across The Jungle. The Denizens Of Omu Became Greedy Demanding Wealth From Their Vassels, And Those Who Could Not Pay Were Forced To Pay In Blood, Their People Enslaved And Taken To Omu By Force. The Great Armies Of Omu Took Gave No Mercy.   The Capturing Of Chults People Disspleased The Great Ubato, And the Great Being Punished The Arrogance of Omu 200yrs ago

  • 2

    The Loss of Ubato's Favour

    (200yrs Ago)   The Great City Grew Too Large, It's Enslavement Of Fellow Chultans Displeased The Great Ubato.   As Punishment For Their Sin Of Greed And Lust For Power, The Great Ubato Withdrew His Blessing Of The City. No Longer Did His Divine Light Shine Down Upon Omu. Its Clerics Cut Off, The Denizens of Omu Died Of Sickeness And Disease.   Blood Shed   The Natives of Chult Revolted Against Their Captors, Who Had Lost Their Divine Magic With Ubato's Depature. Fighting Back Against Those That Had Enslaved Them. The Oppressors Were Overthrown, The Chultans Fled Back To The Jungle... Omu Fell Into Ruin And Infighting. The Nobles of Omu Were Slain, Maps Of The City Destroyed, Its Currency Melted, The Once Great Omu Lost And Known Hence Forth As "The Forbidden City"   At This Point, The Great Ubato Left All Of Chult Displeased By What He Had Seen His Children Could Become. Leaving Them Alone, Without Divinity

  • 3

    Rise of the Tricksters
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    (195yrs Ago)   The Great City Was A Shell Of Its Former Self. Its Slave Based Infrastructure Collapsed And Many Of Its People Lost To Infighting. .... The Seat of The Great Ubato's Divine Power Vacant And Left To Decay   The Trickster Sprits Of The Jungle Sensed Their Time to Rise, Emerging From The Jungle, Taking The Form of Indiginous Mythical and Magical Beasts, They Entered The City And Began To Attract Followers.   They Were:   The Grung -   The Great Ape - Wongo - The Great Ape   The Monkey (sort of) -   The Crane (Sort of) -   The Jaculi - Moa *Lawful Good*   The Almiraj - Le'Jin *Chaotic Neutral*   The Snail (Sort of)- A snail with many eyes, all seeing   The Kamadan -   The Frog with eye stalks -   The Nine Beasts, The Nine Tricksters, Not Gods Yet, Were Worshipped, Each An Aspect of Man, Of The Chultan Nation, Their Beliefs and Morals. The Nine Tricksters Bewitched The Remnants of Omu, Desperate For Power The Remaining Citizens Built Temples to The Nine, Worshipped Them.

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    Trials of the Tricksters
    Cultural event

    (130yrs Ago)   The Tricksters Create Their Homes, Temples Within The Ruined City .. Nine Temples to the Nine Tricksters   The Tricksters Fill The Void Left By The Great Ubato who has abandoned Chult entirely! These Temples Are Built To Test Those That Enter.. Trials Of Worthiness. The Priests Seeking The Power And Favour Of The Tricksters Would Enter The Shrines, Endure The Deadly Trials At a Hope Of Power   The Terrafolk Paint Three Of The Temples In Blood, Perhaps Depiciting The Pleasure Of Those Tricksters In Causing Pain And Death To Those That Follow Or Enter Their Temples   The Tricksters Stay Within The Ancient Ruined City... They Never Leave, They Are Great Beasts But Not Gods. They Are A Micro-Climate Reaching Out Only As Far As Omu   They Draw Chultans To Omu, For Nine Decades The Remnants Of Omu Lived In The Shadow Of The Tricksters

  • 5

    The Faerûnian Gods Arrive
    Religious event

    With Great Ubato Gone, The People Of Chult Were Left Alone And Without The Divine.   The Tricksters Drawn The People To The Ancient City But Their Power Is Limited, Their Light Does Not Pass Beyond The City Limits   The Faerûnian Gods Come To The Land Of Chult, They Fill The Void Left By The Great Ubato.   Their Influence Varies, Some Small Others Powerful. The Light Of The Faerûnian Gods Touches The Villages Of Chult, Brining The Influence And Divinity of Savras, Ghond, Tamora and Sune To Jungle

  • 6

    The Destroyer Comes, The Tricksters Are Slain
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Destroyer (Acererak) Comes To Chult   Stepping Out Of A Void, Wreathed In Purple And A Crown Upon Their Head, Their Face A Screaming Skull. The Trails Awaken The Destroyer, The Devourer, The Lord of Unlife, The One Of Scarlet Robes, The Great Acererak   They Destroyer Descends Upon The Ancient City, They Walk Amidst The Temples And They Slay The Tricksters Within Their Temples. They Cleanse The Ancient City, Dragging The Tricksters Down Under The City   The Destroyer Pulls The Worshippers Of The Tricksters Down Beneath The Earth With Their Former Gods, They Are Put To Work…Enslaved….And They Build, They Build A Structure Of Madness And Death. Deep Within The Dungeon Something Was Created By The Remnants of Omu, Within The Lowest Chambers, A Creation Of Great Power And Importance   They Create A Great Maze Beneath The Ancient City, One That Will Devour All Who Enter, Becoming Their Tomb, A Trap for Heroes And Adventureres   The City Lays Still, Empty, The Tricksters Slain, Their Worshipers Lost To The Maze. The Destroyer Leaves This World, Stepping Out Into The Void, Leaving Only Emptiness

  • 7

    The City of Snakes
    Population Migration / Travel

    The City Lays Abandoned…A Shadow In The Jungle…A Stark Testament Of The Brutality Of The Jungle…Fallen From Favour With The Great Ubato, Claimed By The Tricksters, Razed By The Destroyer  And As The Wheels Of Time Turn, Snakes From The Jungle Pour Down Into The City....They Fall From The Cliffs, They Fill The Streets, They Claim The Ancient City For Themselves....They Hold It Still