Chult Yesne.... stop dying!
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Yesne.... stop dying!

21/6 1800:00

Main Events
Kailyn Tharamor has a pocket dimension ring • Yesne Brightstar opens a cupboard ... and dies • We find a mini model of the planes • Kailyn Tharamor opens a desk....and Yesne Brightstar dies • We all fly off the tower with NephyrTravel to Camp Vengence • Get locked in a cell and all items taken off us

Kailyn looks around the other cages but there is nothing else here. Kailyn and Fang bring Nephyr upstairs. Fang tries to help Nephyr but realises he is definitely ill and has contracted an illness of some sort. Yesne recognises this is as the illness she contracted (shivering sickness) and Bjorn heals her. Kailyn detects magic and has a look around the room. In one corner of the room is a collection of ornate lamps/lightshades. One of which, has a magical aura around it. There’s a wardrobe with a magical aura also. A strange looking chest, non conventional in structure and shape on a bench also with an aura. There is a sculpture/model of the planes and Yesne  decides to try and make a copy of the model on paper. Yesne gains a greater knowledge of the planes. There are buttons (7), 6 of which are able to be pressed. The buttons all make the planes shift. The 7th button can be pressed but nothing happens. Yesne asks Kailyn to have a look. Kailyn wonders if the desk is part of it. It’s a lead desk which is stopping magic from working on it. It is hiding magic and the only thing on the desk is the sculpture.   Yesne in return has a look at the ‘invisible’ ring Kailyn found. She figures out that when putting it on the ring is invisible. If she taps it twice, in front of her hovers a slightly iridescent, purple box (around 1ft cube) made from force. It’s transparent and full of little things. There is a potion vial, a rolled up piece of cloth, 3 small wooden containers, a little pouch of leather and a dagger in a sheath. The ring is a pocket plane. Kailyn identifies that the potion is Greater Healing. The rolled up cloth is a set of decent lock picks. The containers contain dried food, and one with water. 2 plat, 20 gold, 10 silver. The dagger sheath is coated with hide but still has the fur of the animal on it. The dagger rather than blade shaped is actually more conical, is quite a light metal, it is enchanted. A +1 dagger, also 1d4 of cold damage.   Yesne  goes to the cupboard and goes to open the doors but is immediately shocked. She dies, is revived, drinks the potion of greater healing. And discovers the cupboard is full of books and parchment. Journals and experiments, anatomies of creatures.   Kailyn has a look at the chest and realises it is trapped, he disables it. It is full of tools – looks like the sort of thing you would find in a butchers or tannery. Something in here is magical.   Kailyn then moves to the magical cupboard, checks for traps and opens it. The wardrobe is full of fine clothes. Leaving it open he opens the other wardrobe and leaves it open.   Kailyn then moves to the writing desk to look for any hidden compartments. He find ones after searching and checks for traps. He presses the button to release and a wave of cold damage hits Kailyn, Yesne and Fang. Yesne  is down again. Bjorn comes running in. Azaka heals Yesne who promptly gets up and leaves the room. Kailyn finds an amulet in the desk It is made of adamantium and bronze. It is a shield shape with an engraving of a humanoid in the middle of it.   He also takes down the Lantern with Fang . Kailyn discovers the magical item in the cupboard is a belt.   Kailyn clears the room, puts a cloak over the planes model and removes it from the desk. Yesne comes back into the room and identifies. She discovers the device and buttons have faint magic (divination based). The last (7th) button has a transmutation magic to it and when pressing it, it miniaturises itself. Yesne discovers that using it as a research device will give arcane advantage of the planes when studying the model.   It is time to leave. Yesne checks Nephyr is able to fly, we ask Nephyr to take a rope, we all take a hold of it and run off the top of the tower. Yesne casts feather fall. Nephyr takes flight and we are dragged away from the tower. As we leave the vicinity of the Firefinger we start to change back to arracocra. The ability to fly has returned to us. Nephyr is shocked by the 5 arracocra flying with him, so Yesne explains the story in great detail. We fly back towards the place where we left the boats. We land not far from there. We make our way to where we left the boats, they are ok and we head back to the river. Nephyr decides to leave us.   As we start down the river, Fang notices something feels slightly off and questions Azaka is going the right way. They pull over the canoes, Azaka climbs a tree and realises that Fang is in fact correct. Around midnight, the jungle starts to open up and we see a settlement beginning to appear down the river. Kailyn lights the zombie torch. Kailyn shouts out to them to announce our arrival. They reply asking us to pull up at the mooring point. We pull up, Yesne spots what looks like the other canoe that Harnt & co took. As we approach the gates there are piles of humanoid bodies dead and burnt and flayed creatures. The bodies look like undead at a glance.   We arrive at the gate, the guards are reluctant to let us in. Kailyn tells them he can help heal them if they let us rest. Eventually they let us in having brought Undril to the gate to verify we can help. A human female greets us, she looks Captain Salhana Yesne asks for Harnt and Inete to be woken up and brought to her along with Undril. Captain Salhana says they are resting and won’t go and get them. Captain Breakbone would not like us to even be in here. Captain Salhana says we can only stay if we spend the night in the cells, without our equipment. We reluctantly agree. The camp is very dirty and there are rats everywhere, the guards are all looking / sounding ill. They look defeated. We arrive at the cells and remove all our equipment/weapons. They lock them in chests and give the key to Kailyn . Undril says Captain Salhanaand Captain Firebeard are good. Yesne asks if Harnt and Inete are ok, she says they are. Yesne sings, Raindrops on roses…. Harnt sings back.