Zagmira Character in Chult | World Anvil
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Beautiful and young woman, 18ish, bald with one have of the face is old and wrinkled with a milky cataract eye. Her name is Zagmia.
  The red wizards are here searching for an artefact of great power that is influencing the world (Soul Monger). They were sent by Zast Ham's right hand man (zast ham is the no.1 leader of the red wizards, and known to be a lich).
  Kailyn Tharamor has made a bet with Zagmia that the Guardians of the Gate will reach the Soul Monger first. If so, he will leave a bead playing classical music at the sight.
  Likewise Zagmia will leave a run carved femur

A twisted mixture of youthful beauty and withering age, This Wizard of Thay has stolen the body of her 18yr old grand-daughter to extend her life. As she takes control, her face is a twisted mixture of youthful beauty and withering age,

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