Chult Day 14 - The Grove of Molbatine (Jungle day 3)
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Day 14 - The Grove of Molbatine (Jungle day 3)


During the night, undead approach. Some have a blue triangle on their heads - this is the symbol of Ras Nsi . Bjorn Lovehammer sees and converses with the Chwinga (white masks and wiry black hair). That night he has a trippy dream and see a Jaculi god Moa - he has to go through a maze and is given a choice at the end. He's then tattooed by them. Yesne Brightstar is aware that Jaculi gods are not evil but are to do with the Trickster gods. The tattoo on Bjorn Lovehammer is magical, it sits on the skin so not a true tattoo. It's an enchantment magic, in a shell that binds abjuration magic (which is protection magic).

Related Location
The Jungles of Chult
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