Qawasha Character in Chult | World Anvil
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Member of the Emerald enclave and guide specialising in Flora and Fauna as well as undead elimination. Always accompanied by Kupalue. 
Qwasha guided the party south of fort Beluarian on their first expedition into the jungles of Chult. 
 It was revealed halfway through this expedition that Qwasha had been leading them into areas of high undead concentration in the hope to contribute to the cause of purging Chult of the remaining undead. The party were displeased with this, but understood his motivation to a degree and all but Yesene forgave him. 
He continued to guide the party until he found the remnants of the flaming fist that had ventured out with Shago. He then took them guided these flaming fist back to Fort Beluarian after imparting some jungle navigation knowledge to Fang. 
 Upon meeting with the part again in fort Beluarian he informed them that he had lost Fist Brant Mercer on the way back to a strange set of double insect bites to the neck, With the weather being too wet to burn the body they buried it two days south east of the fort. 
 Yesne forgave Qawasha for the undead hunting and he gave he a scroll of dimension door knowing she was interested in planar travel.

Human - Chultan

Current Location
Fort Beluarian
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