The Flaming Fist Organization in Chult | World Anvil
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The Flaming Fist

The “rule” most of the land outside the city. They are a mercenary company headquartered and hailing from Baulders gate. They maintain a permanent placement at Fort Belararian, sending out patrols to “Pacify” the undead and other dangers.   They are already looted dry Mezaro but want to push even further into the jungle convinced that there are other cities to loot and steal from. Take all your kit or take all your treasure if you go out adventuring without a charter. But lack of kit is pretty much a death sentence, although some of also not been seen again that have mouthed off.   The The Yutepka also try and keep the flaming fist in check, but the flaming fist are too well equipped and too many of them.   The current highest ranking member in chult is Liara Portyr with her second in command Gruta Halsdottir  

Known Ranks

  • Blaze (Major)
  • Flame (lieutenant)
  • Manip (Sergeant)
  • Gauntlet (corporal)
  • Fist (private)

Currently Known Members

  • Liara Portyr
  • Gruta Halsdottir
  • Jaro
  • Shaloo
  • Shago
  • Rhal
  • Gayle Brower (Manip - Leader)
  • Lee Bruce - (Gauntlet) 2nd in command
  • Laree Kris - (Fist) Cleric of Helm
  • Piere Dobrain - (Fist) Mage
  • Brent Mercer (Gauntlet) - Deceased
  • Frank (Fist) - Deceased
  • JoSepha Tooyard - R&D

Special Forces Units

  The Undead Rainbow Immolators   "Immolators" for short, this crack group is lead by Shago and Gayle Brower (Manip).   The group was put together for deep excursions into the jungle, with an aim to reclaim riches & artifacts along with the destruction of undead. Comprised of a smaller set of troops the Immolators hope to draw less attention from the undead scurge and prove more effective than larger military units.   An unusual mix of martial, arcane and divine specialities makes this a diverse and highly effective unit.   Mission Statement   "slay as many undead as they can, take back the jungle, bring back treasure to the Flaming fist"   Current members
  • Shago (Leader/Guide)
  • Gayle Brower (Manip - Leader)
  • Lee Bruce - (Gauntlet) 2nd in command
  • Laree Kris - (Fist) Cleric of Helm
  • Piere Dobrain - (Fist) Mage


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