Chult Day 8 - Source a Dino - Learn of rumors- Inete!!!
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Day 8 - Source a Dino - Learn of rumors- Inete!!!


Main Events
• Various Rumours are Heard • Zitembe Harrassed by ZhentarimInete Having Visions • Guardians of the Gate Meet Volothamp GeddarmEscort Inete to the Aldani basin to investigate visionsAgree to Help Azaka Stormfang …Eventually(Azaka's Family Mask)

A day spent in the city waiting to see if a dino mount can be found and gathering rumours.     Rumors heard: Zalkores Garden Palace of Nanagalore (Chultan Royal History) Wreck of the Star Goddess (Lost Airship) Maze Fascination (Ubato's Love of Mazes) Chiwinga (Chwinga) Wymheart Mine - Hew Hackinstone (Wyrmheart Mine)   Go to the Temple of Savras (deity for revealing the truth) Meet Grandfather Zitembe when we walk in. He was talking to the Zhentarim (Zents) a network/organisation who provide a lot of the mercenaries; unscrupulous, out for themselves and quite evil. They're a global organisation. Wanted him to find Artus Cimber, he is beyond all divination spells. Was beaten up by them on evening of Festival of Feathers as they didn't believe he couldn't find Artus Cimber.   Told him the truth of The Death Curse. He is going to cast to find out more, will take a day and told to see him the day after the blood race.   Yesne Brightstar went back to temple and spoke to a young female acolyte, Inete. She has been having visions about Red Robed humanoids making their way through the jungle. She could feel evil intent rising from them like the steam from clothes. The visions have been happening in The Aldani Basin. She says there are myths and stories about the truth of what these beings are doing. and needs to go on an expedition south, in a canoe down the Soshenstar, which means it would take a week to get there. Zitembe will sponsor the expedition, we have spoken to him and he has confirmed as soon as we get a charter he will give us the money.  

Escort Inete to the Aldani basin to investigate visions   Vellum left by Aumar opens with Taje - discover it's a map of Chult, overheard by Abiroo, he says Jobal Merchant Prince of Guides(Merchant Prince) would want one.   Volothamp Geddarm is staying at Kaya’s House of Repose. Arrive, doormen outside, 1 silver to enter. Barman, Ronhip Fochuckle - alcohol chef. Lady owner is Kayer. Ronhip makes us a special drink 'the Malars Zombie slayer'   Bjorn Lovehammer meets Azaka Stormfang (Guide) at the Thundering Lizard. Will take us into the Jungle if we help retrieve her mask. Azaka Stormfang takes a strong liking to Bjorn Lovehammer (and his muscles).