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Ashqar, the City of Gold, ruled by The Merchants Three, is the largest city of the Far South and represents a sort of haven to travelers of the Far South and refugees fleeing from the Fields of Ash. The city is nestled in a bay on the coast, and is a center of trade. It has fallen from its place as an economic powerhouse due to the massive influx of refugees from the Infinite Desert. Now in a place of dire economic straights, this brings much worry to the natives of Ashqar and The Merchants Three.

Large refugee camps of Dragonborn have popped up around the city walls, and many Dragonborn are now serving as Indentured Servants to the wealthy of Ashqar. While the city itself is close to Tarragona, simply across the sea, this city experiences no religious persecution, and has no religion in general. The residents opinions towards gold and wealth may reflect a Tarragonan's religious zeal though, as a common saying among those of Ashqar is "Gold is God and God is Gold".
Middle East Market by Kyungsup Sin
The themes for this city follow Egyptian and Arabic themes. Houses are typically made of yellow brick that may be painted a variety of colors, and colorful cloths and silks often stretch over porches and balconies to block the beating sun. Clothing is often composed of loose silks that cover most of the body in one way or another to protect from the heat of the sun.

If you want to be from Ashqar, you can use these links to think of names that would fit this city: here and here.

River of Sand

While Ashqar is still surrounded by the jungle and does not directly border the Infinite Desert, its environment is largely composed of sand, due to the River of Sand. This "River" is a large channel of sand that flows through the jungle and into the city at a rate of nearly 15mph, coursing through the core of the city beneath numerous aging bridges, before pouring into a vast, funnel-shaped crater known as the Pit where it vanishes. Objects carried into the Pit are sometimes found years, decades, or even centuries later, often hundreds of miles away in random locations in the desert. Merchants coming from the desert to trade in Ashqar often ride the River of Sand into the city through the use of small boats constructed deeper in the desert.
沙海执法者 工作图 by 周 亮

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Cover image: Copper market, Cairo, 1871 by Edward Angelo Goodall


Author's Notes

Cover image is Copper market, Cairo by Edward Angelo Goodall and resides in the public domain. The spearman art on the right is 沙海执法者 工作图 by 周 亮. The bottom city artwork is Middle East Market by Kyungsup Sin.

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