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The Dragonborn of Cinder used to occupy the Infinite Desert with magical civilizations, but the fall of their Dragon rulers and the encroaching Fields of Ash pushed them out of their cities and into a lifestyle of nomadic wanderers across the desert, and eventually into a life as refugees and slaves in Ashqar. As cold-blooded creatures, they are particularly suited to life in the desert, and their towering and muscular forms serve them well. The nomadic nature of your people has resulted in a rich verbal history, as carrying books and art across the desert is impossible.

Dragonborn Themes

  • No Home. To be a Dragonborn is to recognize that every home your people have had has crumbled to dust, and there is no place for you to return to. 
  • Regret. Dragonborns must wrestle with regret at the actions of their ancestors and the current state of the Fields of Ash which encroach upon the world.
  • Submission. Your people have had to submit themselves to degrading conditions just to survive in recent years. You must deal with or resist the oppression that occurs against your people.


Your people have still preserved the language of your ancient civilization, your primary language is Draconic.

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Ability Score Increase +2 Str, +1 Con, +1 Cha
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Your large forms and hard scales make you stronger and more resilient than the standard human.

  • Your Strength score increases by 2.
  • Your Constitution score increases by 1.
  • A Dragonborn's average height is 5.5 - 7 feet, and they average 250 lbs.
  • Your speed is 30ft.
While most of your people have left that life behind them, you still possess an inherent magical power.
  • Your Charisma score increases by 1.
  • You get one cantrip from the sorcerer spell list, and Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.
  • You are the only race with access to the Draconic Bloodline sorcerer, with your Draconic Ancestry matching.
Young Dragonborn grow incredibly quickly after hatching, but they die at a rate similar to humans.
  • Dragonborns reach adulthood around age 15, and live to be around 80.
In order to survive in the Infinite Desert with their nomadic lifestyles, most Dragonborns have an innate sense of community and the rigidity of their cultural laws reflect this.
  • Dragonborn alignments fall into the lawful category, but tend to vary in the spectrum of good to evil.
You are born of the desert, and before that of the dragons of old in the great cities born of sand and glass. Dragonborns possess an innate ancestry tracing back to the dragons which gave birth to their bloodline, providing them with a breath weapon and damage resistance.
  • You possess a damage resistance to the damage type in the Draconic Ancestry table.
  • You can use your bonus action to exhale destructive energy. Your draconic ancestry determines the size, shape, and damage type of the exhalation.
  • When you use your breath weapon, every creature in the area must make a saving throw of a type determined by your Draconic Ancestry, with the DC=8+Con.+Prof.
  • A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half on a successful. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level.
  • Your breath weapon recharges every Short or Long rest.

Draconic Ancestry

Dragon Damage Type Breath Weapon
Black Acid 5 by 30ft. line (Dex. Save)
Blue Lightning 5 by 30ft. line (Dex. Save)
Brass Fire 5 by 30ft. line (Dex. Save)
Bronze Lightning 5 by 30ft. line (Dex. Save)
Copper Acid 5 by 30ft. line (Dex. Save)
Gold Fire 15 ft. Cone (Dex. Save)
Green Poison 15 ft. Cone (Con. Save)
Red Fire 15 ft. Cone (Dex. Save)
Silver Cold 15 ft. Cone (Con. Save)
White Cold 15 ft. Cone (Con. Save)


Languages. You can speak Draconic and rough Eontash.


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