Arvene Settlement in Cirke | World Anvil
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Arvene is a very large city in the self-titled province of Cornum. Mostly Jaskin population. Arvene is known for a variety of exports including Crackle Mead, Ice Honey and Snowcrack Chestnuts.  

Information & Points of Interest:

Tavern: Snowcrack Pub

Blacksmith: The Tempered Breastplate

Owner: Fargas Greenbottle, Male Halfling
Location: In a market quarter, the street outside has a pickpocket looking for easy targets.
The blacksmith is a concrete building with largely fenced in metal yard to its side where you can see smoke and sparks flying from at any given hour of the day. It has a single floor with a red tile roof and inside boasts shiny hardwood floors. In the backroom study is an old-looking telescope and everything in that room seems to be covered with dust and metal shrapnel.
Special Items for Sale:
  • Sword of Wounding (dmg 207) (1,874 gp)
  • Weapon, +1 (dmg 213) (961 gp)
  • Javelin of Lightning (dmg 178) (1,457 gp)

Patrons you might meet here:
Five in Woods, Male Grunthora
Anselle Addler, Female Jaskin
Corik Longfall, Male Fukibi
Lalander Goldfound, Male Halfling
Avelina Wallicom, Female Pikotori

Alchemist: Nora's Tonics

Owner: Nora Pithorn, Female Jaskin
Location: Icemark District, closer to Upper Ward. Someone might be getting arrested as you're arriving.
This alchemist's store is a stone-walled cabin with a brown shingled roof, a large brick chimney billowing smoke and steam at the back. Inside, curtains are draped over the walls displaying a variety of religious figures and their stories. Hanging from the ceiling are dozens of glowing tiny pods.
Special Items for Sale:
  • Potion of Water Breathing (175 gp)
  • Potion of Growth (260 gp)
  • Philter of Love (86 gp)

Other Patrons:
Mort Fourie, Male Jaskin
Georgina Whispermouse, Female Halfling
Jillian Whistler, Female Jaskin

Jeweler: The Marvelous Decoration

Owner: Gilderoy Tessilock, Male Jaskin
Location: The Great Knot District, among other artisans. The street outside is adjacent to a small scribe's office. While the party is here, a person may burst through the entrance, battered and bruised... they brought trouble with them...
The jeweler is a blackwood and brick tower, with a black and tan shingled roof. Behind the building is a small vegetable garden. A gold-gilded goat serves as a mascot for the business and greets customers. It contains a highly vaulted ceiling and a table with scattered lenses, clamps, and cutters.
Special Items for Sale:
  • Ring of X-ray Vision (5,762 gp)
  • Ring of Water Walking (1,476 gp)
  • Exquisite Earrings (4 gp)

Other Patrons:
Shane Jenkle, Male Jaskin
Enna Goltorah, Female Elf
Flame Among Posies, Female Grunthora
Willow Lorrafell, Female Nathigen

Enchanter: The Amber Eyeglass

Owner: Meena Wildewand, Female Gnome
Location: A side street near the South gate of the Great Knot. Across the way is a town crier announcing the latest news and gossip and her next door neighbor is a fortune teller. Between the two of them, they decorate the street with garlands and streamers, all magically sparkling and lighting up the street at night.
The enchanter's building is a plaster and wood framed square cabin of sorts, with a rounded yellow door and red roof tiles.
Inside is a small collection of simple furniture for patrons, and a few display cases line the walls filled with various artifacts of magical nature, each locked tight to prevent theft. The building has low ceilings and to one side a chest of drawers full of various enchanting components and raw materials.
Special Items for Sale:
  • Pipes of the Sewers (1,994 gp)
  • Cloak of the Bat (5,959 gp)
  • Gloves of Missile Snaring (2,992 gp)

Other Patrons:
Gullivar Wildemar, Male Jaskin
Ella Remein, Female Jaskin
Shille, Male Grunthora

General Store: The League Stash

Owner: Cairn Olivvar, Male Human
Location: Ice Mark, known to be frequented by adventurer's, and the street outside has drunken revelers, celebrating who knows what. This general store is two floors, the store below and a living quarters above. The outside is grey stucco with 'Stash' painted above the door. The roof is black tile and the floors stone. The long countertop across the side of the room has a brass top, and seems to be the shining prize of the establishment. Various odds and honestly, junk, are hung all over the walls.
Special Items for Sale:
  • Ink (1 oz. bottle) (10 gp)
  • Vial (1 gp)
  • Clothes, fine (15 gp)

Other Patrons:
Isolde Strongbone, female Grunthora
Vespa Lonthe, female Kalpa

Temple/Church: Temple of Kodoism

Owner: Curran Demarell, Male Jaskin
Location: The Docks, in the center square of the city. The streets outside are decorated in the name of Suijizo, and in the middle of the square is a large statue/fountain erected of him and depicts the god as well as some of his creatures in a flowing, magical art piece. This statue's runoff connects to the ocean, purposely connecting Arvene to the god's domain.
This temple of gathering is a large amphitheatre of places, really only a facade that faces the ocean, with a large open space of water between the two halves of the docks. The outside is a large round facade of columns and curtains in blue. Stained class fills a portion of the windows, all depicting Suijizo and various musical forms or water. The people here sing and play music to worship their god, everyday, and sometimes all day. It is held as particularly auspicious to frequent the temple on one's day of birth.
Other Patrons: Clara Boudet, Female Jaskin
Valerie Passcale, Female Jaskin
Ninnud Atolle, Male Oyatare


Small Cottage
Owner: Dell Thistlewind, Male Jaskin
This small house in the southern farmland just outside of Arvene is timber-framed small in size, a single story. The roofing is thatched, and vines cover parts of the walls and roof. It is a singular room with a bed, a chest, and a dresser on one side, and an enclosed flame with a cauldron over it on the other side. It is insinuated to use a stool and barrel as a table if needed. A bunch of sheep graze at hay bales just outside the cottage, and they are comfortable enough to wander inside.
  Creckle House
Owner: Portia Thistlewind, Female Grunthora
This house is a wooden, two-story building in the middle of the Great Knot district of Arvene. It has a blue tile roof and patches of moss covering parts of its walls. It has 4 rooms total with 2 bedrooms, each containing a chest and dresser along with the bed. The kitchen has a brick hearth with a spit of meat over the fire. Outside is a small enclosin fence made of plank wood.


60% Jaskin, 18% Grunthora, 15% Fukibi, 5% Human, 3% Nathigen, 2% Halfling, 1% Pikotori, <1% of everything else.

Industry & Trade

The inhabitants of Arvene typically do one of three things, live off the ocean, live off the land, or turn to a trade. Those who use the ocean will become fisherman, shipbuilders, tradesmen, among other things. Those who live off the land will typically grow Snowcrack Chestnuts, wheat, or other staple crops. To keep a city alive requires all walks of life however, so various trades and occupations are supported among the city in general.


Arvene is made up of 4 districts. They aren't particularly horrid in class difference, but are as follows:
  Upper Ward:
The Upper Ward houses Arvene's Castle, and is the place where Arik Mottledown lives, the current ruler of the city. Some major places are also located in the upper ward, such as banks and militia gatherings, otherwise, there isn't much here. It is the tallest point in town and thusly, can see over the entirety of it.
Ice Mark:
The next district, Ice Mark, is a bit rowdy, with a good portion being civilians and adventurers, they are either a loud bunch or a quiet bunch, and sometimes the two don't get along very well. Snowcrack farmers also populate this portion of town, and keep watch over their fields to the south.
The Docks are an important part of town and the most religious sector. The people here are a little quieter, but in the sense of noise, not so much? They play music at all hours of the day, and people generally don't mind it. Most of the occupants here frequent the temple and aren't afraid of showing their religious beliefs.
Great Knot:
The Great Knot is the last and largest part of town, that houses most of the business districts and residential of Arvene. It is names as such because the streets are winding and narrow, making it a hard place to navigate alone, and one even easier to get lost in.


The one thing that Arvene is known for is its Snowcrack Chestnuts. They're hard to grow and even harder to harvest. And because of its rarity, the Grackle bees to the north and their beautiful iridescent Ice Honey.


Arvene's buildings are typically made of stone or wood, are singular story, and are close together. Their rooves will be shingled or tiled, and a few are thatched toward the farms, but very little otherwise. Only the wealthiest of families and businesses have two story homes, or those that can't separate the two.


Arvene is a coastal city, built around a small bay inlet filled with good fish and great sailing. The farmland is fertile and it connects several places.
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations


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