Chiyuri Kurashima / Lime Bell Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Chiyuri Kurashima / Lime Bell

Drop Point: Keyhole Lake

  Lime Bell is the "white mage" of Nega Nebulas and is level 5. Her real name is Chiryuri Kurashima and she is 14 years old and in the same class as Haruyuki and Takumu in middle school.
  She has the power to reverse the damage before it happens and it's called "Citron Call". Version one of it can reverse battle damage (faux healing) and version 2 can reverse getting an item on an avatar like it never happened. Her personality is bossy, sensitive, and kind, Chiryuri has a strong bond with Haru and Taku and has the desire to return to once was due to an event in her life.
  She started to date Takumu in 5th grade and broke up with him during the events of Accel World and remain friends. It's apparent she has strong feelings for Haruyuki, which is rather a red flag however I won't get into it due to it being exhausting.
  Lore: With the Dusk Taker deal behind her, Chiyuri has learned what it means to be a burst linker. Keeping an eye on her childhood friends, along with the growing of Nega Nebulas, she's got a lot on her plate. With being transported to this strange world, she keeps the crew's spirits up though hides her own feelings at times.
  She worries over Haru, which could bring back some residual feelings from her ex, though it remains to be seen by how this story goes. Chiyuri will have a nice friendship with the loveable Ventus.
  2 versions: We have 2 versions of Silver Crow. One has summon while another one doesn't and if we don't use the summon versions there is no need to include the summon characters in the game, though they could be included anyways.
Has no in-game character, But is summoned by Haruyuki Arita / Silver Crow in his move set.


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