Takumu Mayuzumi / Cyan Pile Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Takumu Mayuzumi / Cyan Pile

Drop Point: Britania
  Cyan Pile is the intellectual member of Nega Nebulas and level 6 (gone down to 4 in current LN).   His real name is Takumu Mayuzumi and is 14 years old. He has a tendency to sacrifice himself due to what he's done in the Accel World series (episodes 3-4 of the anime) and dated Chiyuri before they broke up (he also looks like a video game "Tank" Arche-type).   Taku practices Kendo, which he is good at, and though ironic that Cyan Pile doesn't have a sword and is called a close-fighter wielder with his Pile Driver. However, once he activates his incarnate called "Cyan Blade" the drive becomes a weapon similar to a kendo sword.   He loves his friends and fellow legion members. Takumu might have more of a future with Magenta Scissors, a new edition to the group.   Best friends with Haru and Chii and calls Kuroyuki "Master".     Lore: Will stick with Negabu and be part of recon and intelligence gathering. Will still pine for Chiyuri and sacrifice himself for his friends. Constantly. Will wind up being taken over by Venom and a battle will have to take place to save him.[be]  
2 versions: We have 2 versions of Silver Crow. One that summons, while the other one doesn't, and if we don't use the summon versions theirs no need to include the summonable characters in the game, he uses the Pile Driver, though they could be included anyways. Has no in-game character, but is summoned by Haruyuki Arita / Silver Crow in his move set.
[be]   Lore idea: Cyan Venom
obstacles: Asset creation. In reference to how many times he gets taken over by the side or whatever their cell programs in Accel world, we might have a subplot where Takamu literally gets taken over by Venom, from Spider-Man.


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