Ultras Organization in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


This group contains Characters from the "Ultraman" Universe. This Group ALSO Contains Ultramen or "Ultras": Light based beings from the Land of Light.
Lore Point: Right now the Crux of the world building is that other beings where brought to this universe by being transported from their own realities. It has been shown in certain parts of Ultraman media, Some Ultras are capable of traveling between dimensions, KINDA easily. How do we rectify this?
The easiest solution is that the 3 Ultras present in the story do not WISH to leave. 0 Would want to save the day, Geed would want to help out, and Belial would want to use this to gain power. Less easy to explain is why the ultramen wouldn't take anyone who asked them back to their home dimension.


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