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Ultraman Belial

Drop point: Mordor
Residence: The Death Star
  Ultraman Belial is an Ultras, The "Father" of Ultraman Geed, the nemesis of Ultraman Zero, and dead... as a door nail. So the version in our game is a splinter of his soul.  


  Ultraman Belial is one of the few Ultras to go down a dark path and become evil. As such he has a tragic backstory to go with that. Think of him like Anakin Skywalker, except Obi-wan and Padme marry and Anakin gets possessed by the ghost of Palpatine.

While Belial was "Anakin" he was a soldier fighting alongside his brother in arms Ken "Obi-Wan" with the assistance of the medic Marie "Padme". At the end of the war, Marie gives Ken a power boost which he uses to Kill the enemy leader. After that Ken gets promoted to the highest position in the military and Marie and he get married.   Belial becomes a little unstable due to jealousy and hurt pride, and seeks greater power because he has a "Might makes right" philosophy.
When Belial becomes "Darth Vader" It's because he attempts to gain even greater power by siphoning energy directly from the Plasma Spark. However, he can't handle the energy and ends up burned and maimed by it. When he is found he is sentenced to exile by Ken "Obi-Wan" and thrown out to drift in space without any medical assistance for his injuries.   He ends up at the mercy of Alien Reiblood "Palpatine" and with his Injuries, Reiblood takes over Belial's body and attacks his home The Land of Light.   The assault is thwarted by Ultraman King, who locks Belial in a prison for a thousand years. During that time it is believed Reibloods possession of Belial wained and he lost control of Belial, but being betrayed, possessed, and imprisoned for 1,000 years drove him pretty insane so the second he gets out he attacks the Land of light all over again, successfully this time.
After that, he breaks away from the Anakin analogy. He attacks the Land of Light and steals the plasma spark, PRIMARILY out of spite. IN FACT, after he's thwarted by Ultraman Zero, Zero becomes his primary focus because Zero was stronger than him. This shows that Belial at this point is motivated primarily based on spite and being the strongest.
  Though he does end up a almost sort of stupid brute, he has been shown to create effective schemes and WILDLY impressive technology. The schemes are his but it's unknown whether the Technology is his, or he just abducted people to make it for him.


Belial has died a few times in the series and has come back times because Ultras are Nigh unkillable. However, he was killed, seemingly for good, by his son Ultraman Geed
  Geed fights Belial into an abyss dimension, having a "Fight inside the mind" with his father, in which Geed sees all the infamous actions Belial has taken from his point of view. Specifically feeling the anger, sadness, and MASSIVE inferiority complex that fueled his actions. After Viacrously "Living" his father's life he pulls him close and hugs him, feeling sorry for Belial calling his feelings: "an incredible burden to bear". This pushes Alien Reiblood out of Belial's Mind (or soul?) and he turns into the Ultra he used to be before Alien Reiblood consumed him.   Geed Tells the man his dad used to be that everything he's suffered must have been exhausting and it's ok for him to let it go. Belial repeals Geed from his psyche, yelling that he could "never understand" and forcing Geed to enter a beam struggle with him. Geed wins, killing Belial once and for all (at least at the time of writing this. you know how villains are) Geed says a Sorrowful Goodbye before escaping the abyss.

However in later Ultraman cannon, Splinters of Belial have crept out into the world, and that's what this character is, a splinter of Belial.


  Ultraman Geed is his clone, and the two see each other as father and son. Belial has also attempted to absorb Geed to grow stronger at one point.
  Ultraman Zero is his rimary rival.


Giga Battlenizer: The polearm Belial uses, can contain and summon monsters like a Pokeball.   General battle quote *Cackles* That the best you can do?  

Fighter Info

Ver 1

Author: MAX
Version Date: 14,03,2020
Read me Ver: 2016/9/22
Location: Found here

Ver 2

Author: BlackCat & Woz
Version Date: 27,10,2009
Read me Ver: 21/11/20
Location: here


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