Ultraman Zero Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Ultraman Zero

Drop Point: Jobber
  Ultraman Zero is an Ultra Warior from the Land of Light.
Lore Point: Ultraman 0 Can traverse the multiverse. He won't use this in the plot becuase
A: time in all the other universe is frozen and entering them would probably cause him to freeze in time.
B: He can't seem to use that ability right now

When he was young (like he wasn't done growing yet so like a teenager?), Zero attempted to take the Plasma Spark for himself, abosrbing its power. Before he was even able to touch the plasma spark he was stopped and banished.
Zero's baishment included ridiculously difficult training in weighted armor cus protagonist.   I mean serisouly how is working out going to improve his morals? Though the true purpose of the training and banishment was to get Zero to realize his mistake or as said by other Ultras monitoring his progress "Realizing the danger of power without justice" throughout this Zero remained very much a hot head and a bit of a punk, questioning the purpose of it all.
  Eventually, during Ultraman Belials reutrn, Zero is released because he is one of the last Ultras left to fight him (also because he saved a hedgehog?). Zero goes and helps defeat Belial, afterword being allowed to reintegrate back into Ultra society, where he mostly goes out on missions and never comes home being kind of a recluse becuase he spent all his teenage years on a desert planet wearing a blindfold.

Zero continues to learn and grow, eventually becoming less of punk (but no less full of himself) through repeat battles. He even gains the ability to travel between multiversal dimensions and choosing to set up shop in a different diemsion than the one he was born in. There he creates "Ultra Force Zero" and responds to all calls of aid, even from seperate dimensions.

Random Character traits

  Ultraman Zero has tremendous strength despite being a lot younger and less well trained than other ultras, and he kind of acts like it too. Somone once called him "The worlds strongest child", (even in Geed where Zero has matured greatly, he's still kind of goofy)

Ultraman Zero was once fighting somone who was fueled by grief and despair (literally like he used other peoples grief and despair for power), running around in a Kaiju body that he grew with the dispossesd souls of the trillions of life forms he abducted, and was trying to become an entropy god strong enough to devour the entire multiverse.   This antoganist asked Zero "why fight, why protect the humans?"
And Zero anwsered: F)(K YOU THAT'S WHY! (not literally but basically)  


Not in game

  • UltraSeven: Zero's father, he was the one who stopped him from touching the plasma spark. He also never TOLD Zero he was his father until Belial returned, granting Seven the title "Worlds Worst Ultra Dad", a title that would later be stolen by Ultraman Belial
  • Ultraman Leo: The one who over saw Zero's banishment. Even though Leo did act as a warden of sorts, Zero still recognizes that the traing he underwent during banishment was an increadbly asset to him and refers to Leo as "Teacher"
  • [l i]Glenfire: one of the members of Ultra Force Zero. He's like Zero if he never stopped being a punk. Increadbly strong and straight forward  
  • Jean Bird/Bot: Jean is a transforming robot and another member of Ultra Force Zero. He can transform between a spaceship and a giant robot. He used to serve the royal family of Esmerelda and holds himself to a high standard of class, though will be smarmy at those who insult him, Kinda like Valkenhine
  • Mirror Knight: A member of UltraForce Zero. Mirror knight is the child of an Esmerlda royal and a royal of the mirror dimension, this gives him odd powers. He is the more quiet member of Ultraforce Zero, though seems to be one of the more inteligent members, tending to use his powers in clever ways to win fights instead of brute foring his way through them.
  • Nearly every other Ultra in existance: Zero is familiar with nearly all other Ultras. For the older ones: He grew up hearing stories about them. For the newer ones or for ones not from the land of light: Since Zero has the ability to traverse dimensions, it tends to be his job to get get these Ultras if somone needs help.  
  • The cast of Geed: Zero was a main protagonist of Ultraman Geed, and thusly would know the cast personally, especially Leito, who was his Ultrahost at the time.

In Game

  • Ultraman Belial: Belial is Zeros arch enemy, they don't get along and while in mid scheme Zero will take Belial serisouly, over time Zero has become more relaxed about Belial since he keeps coming back, and is almost jokey about having to fight him again.  
  • Ultraman Geed: Zero helped out Geed when he was first starting out, while his traning was primaily handeled by Laiha, Zero still gave him advice from time to time. Now that Zero has left Geed to defned the town on his own, Geed is nervous and comparing himself (though that gets resolved in the movie so we won't talk about it that much in game since the movie hasn't happened yet)
  • General battle quotes

    • I am Zero. Ultraman Zero!
    • You wanna pick a fight with me? Try again in 20,000 years.

    Charcater specific

    • Ultraman Geed
    • - i]Good to see you're doing well Geed. How have Leito and his family been?
  • Ultraman Belial
  • : Whatever you're planning I'll stop like always.
  • Ben
  • : So you try and defeat your enemies without actually hurting them? You remind me alot of Ultraman Cosmos. Steven Rogers/Captain America: You remind me of Ultraman Dyna.
    Chris Zachary/Z-man: You remind me of Glenfire.
      J: You remind me of Mirror Knight.  

    Stage Specfic

    Chamber of Awekening

    • Looks like my summer vacation is... Over.
      Lore Idea: Zero compares J and Chris to Glendfire and Mirror Knight due to their interaction.


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