Dauntless Soldier

The basic infantrymen of Dauntless, they form the largest rank of the faction and is commonly encountered during faction missions. Even though they're considered as a standard, even often times weak soldiers by the Genesis, meeting them in large numbers, especially combined with other Dauntless units, can be overwhelming.  


Type CON STR ACC MIN AGI Mastery Armor Weapon
Assault Soldier 7 +0 +1 +0 5 ACCM+1 10 Modded Assault Rifle 
Pistol Soldier 7 +0 +1 +0 5 ACCM+1 10 2x Modded Pistol 
Sniper Soldier 7 +0 +2 +0 5 ACCM+1 10 Modded Sniper Rifle
Shieldscreen Soldier 9 +1 +0 +0 4 STRM+1 12
Shock Baton Soldier 6 +1 +0 +0 6 STRM+1 10


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