Modded Weapons

"Finally having the opportunity to research the biological construct of the Infected has no doubt enabled us to design a more technological enhanced weaponry concept. This will allow the engineers to produce a refined version of our firearms in comparison to our standard military grade." - Dr. Jantell
  Modded Assault Rifle
Mastery: Ranged(6)
Damage: 1d6+ACC
Properties: 4 shots, 1 CD   Modded Shotgun
Mastery: Ranged(4)
Damage: 1d8+ACC
Properties: 3 shots, 1 CD   Modded Pistol
Mastery: Ranged(4)
Damage: 1d4+ACC
Properties: 5 shots, 1 CD   Modded Sniper Rifle
Mastery: Ranged(12)
Damage: 1-7 range 1d6+ACC , 8-12 range 1d6+ACC2x
Properties: 1 shots, 1 CD, Can be reloaded if not moved in the same turn


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