Main Headquarters

The Heart of the PROJECT:Revive

"You are currently stationed here, at the Genesis' Headquarters. It's quite big, so feel free to ask any combatants walking by if you ever feel lost, or, you can always pull up your techpad to navigate yourself around. I have to admit, it can get overwhelming at first. I too had a hard time playing with this thing, but I can assure you, once you have it under control, it will feel like second nature to operate the techpad." - Assistant Zeta
The Main HQ serves as the primary operating location of the Genesis. It is the beating heart of the PROJECT:Revive, and currently remains as a secret place for anyone outside the organization and its network.

Main Bridge

  Welcome to the Main Bridge. This is where all the magic happens. From this facility, Head of Operations have access to the Geoscape, allowing them to search for any Infected activities and direct the Bastion to drop off the combatants at the desired location. They also have access to the Coalition Network, enabling them to contact any survivors who are trying to communicate through radio transmissions, and bring them to the headquarters for further investigations.

Available Devices

  • Geoscape Missions
  • Coalition Network


    The infirmary treats wounded combatants using the latest salvageable technology they bring back. Staffed with the most brilliant doctors available, they allow the combatants a speedy recovery. Depending on their wounds and status, recovery time still vary, A critically wounded combatant who has both their legs shot will recover slower than a combatant with a minor forearm injury.


        The warehouse is a large storage room where all types of supplies are gathered and reserved.
    Military base / complex
    Vehicles Present
    Owning Organization

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