The Genesis

The organization Genesis is a classified military and intelligence department mainly responsible for exterminating the on-going parasite pandemic as well as thwarting the extinction of humanity.


Tactical Branch

Tactical Role Description
Director Current leading position of the Genesis
Head of Operations The strategic role conducting missions and giving combatants orders firsthand on the battlefield
Field Combatants The organization's main infantry, tasked with various missions such as exterminations, rescue, gathering supplies etc.
Defensive Combatants Serving as the primary guardians of the HQ as well as other outposts
Networking Combatants A small division whos primary function is to establish connections and negotiate with other factions, as well as build outposts

Medical Branch

Medical Role Description
Lead Scientist Initiates research projects at the command of the Director and Head of Operations
Researchers Essential workers focused on researching, documenting, and distributing gained knowledge
Infirmary Staff Tasked with the recovery of Combatants

Technical Branch

Engineer Role Description
Lead Engineer Initiates new workshop projects under the Director and Head of Operation's command
Engineer Constructs necessary weapons, armors, and items for the Combatants to use
Tactical Practitioner Trains Combatants for weapon/armor/item use and guides them in the Training Grounds
Power Technician Responsible for supplying power to the HQ as well as storing reserves

Hic Manebimus Optime! / Here We Shall Stay!

Founding Date
Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items
Organization Vehicles


The Exodus is a family branch from the Genesis. They have been given their own command center, while still answering directly to the Director in needed times.


Due to the affiliation with Strategist Jannik, this branch has been part of the faction and continues to contribute as employees.


Currently in an open fire status. The Genesis does not agree with the constant chaos Dauntless has been causing. This has lead to multiple battle engagements.

Articles under The Genesis


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