Prologue: Episode 0

The council of Genesis, led by Director Z, sent a team to safely extract the three Strategists who were stranded en route to the HQ. Due to mechanism failure, their vehicle has malfunctioned, causing the engines to break down and emit a loud sound. This attracted the Infected nearby. The team must clear the area and escort the Strategists safely back to the HQ.

Plot points/Scenes

Before the battle:

*Boom!*. An explosion. Debris flying everywhere, metal clanking on the paved street, flickering wires all over the place. Bloodied corpses lie on the floor, some with severed limbs, some of which looked completely burnt to coal.  
Phaser: "No, no, no! This can't be! Are we too late?"
  A slim man in a armored suit emerges from behind the bushes. His voice trembling from panic.
  Blackguard: "I hope not. I don't see them"
Phaser: "How do you know?! They could be in one of those burnt bodies on the floor!"
  Panicking, the man starts frantically looking around the area. A sudden loud growl was heard from the distance. A brutish man with a very distinct navy blue helmet shoves the slim man aside. With a raspy voice, he says:
  Sharkfin: "If we're gonna try to recover as much as possible from that debris, we have to act now."
  The slim man shakes his head in frustration.
  Phaser: "Materials? We were SUPPOSED to escort the now DEAD STRATEGISTS back to HQ! The entirety of our purpose has gone to hell! Why are you trying to-"
Blackguard: "WHY don't we actually get close to the vehicle before we make rash decisions?!"
  After a brief silence, all three heavily armored soldiers run towards the scene. While the smoke is being filtered through their helmets, their visions were shrouded. They started lifting heavy debris and quickly cleaning out a pathway back to their own vehicle. But the growls became louder.
    Phaser: "We don't have much time. They're dead I tell you!"
Sharkfin: "Not if they're still breathing."
  The two rush towards the big man, who was lifting a piece from what used to be a street with one arm. It was apparent what they had to do, so while one of them was holding the debris, the other two pulled a body each, well, the athletic fellow from the two pulled two with each arm. The burly man dropped the debris after it was empty underneath. The soldiers immediately started to look for vital signs from the body, and outside from their slow, weak breaths, and heavily injured bodies, the three persons were very much alive.
  Blackguard: "They're in heavily critical condition. We have to carry them back."
Phaser: "So.... one each? Which one of them is the lightest? I'm no strong guy!"
Blackguard: "Phaser, you take the girl then, the two of us will carry the other two boys."
Phaser: "Just sayin', just letting you two know that I'm not that weak..."
Blackguard: "Just shut it for now Phaser or I'll leave you to the Infected next time."
    The trees starts to rumble, the bushes are rustling, and yet, there were no growls this time, but only the crackling sound of fire. It was something the three of them knew what it meant, and there was not a single word uttered between them, but they knew that it was time to draw the guns. With one body over the shoulder, a gun in hand, they will be in severe disadvantage, but they knew, that failing this mission, will cost not only theirs, but everyone's lives.


Battle Commencing:

  • Fairly easy tutorial battle, but still make it challenging and epic
  • Unlimited but balanced amount of Tier 1 enemies
  • Only one weapon each, to make the battle system familiar for the players


Escort the injured Strategists to the take-off point
None of the Strategists can die


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